How To Get Rid Of Nits Quickly

Nits are eggs of lice, which reproduce at very high speeds. Keep reading to find out how to get rid of nits fast.
How to get rid of nits fast

With summer approaching and temperatures soaring, it is common for nits to spread. Nits are nothing more than the eggs of lice, which settle in the hair of their host. Children are prone to infections. It is therefore important to get rid of nits as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading.

What nits are and how they spread

Hair full of lice

The eggs that lice lay are called nits. They put them on the scalp, usually on the nape or crown of the head and behind the ears. In fact, this is because these areas give off heat that lice eggs need to incubate.

Female lice produce a very strong glue that helps keep the nits in place. It makes it difficult to wash or scratch them off. In addition, when the lice lay their eggs, it takes about a week for them to hatch, depending on the temperature and humidity.

It is therefore very important to treat them as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading. That way they don’t spread to other kids. In fact , lice move so fast that they can move from one head to another when the heads touch.

Fast treatment to get rid of nits

Means to get rid of nits

As soon as you notice the presence of nits, you need to take action. Lice itch because they feed on blood, so you may notice your child scratching his head.

To get rid of nits quickly and efficiently, you need to use a lice treatment. For example, use well-known pharmaceutical products such as FullMarks. It is colorless and odorless and does not make children uncomfortable.

Plus, it can get rid of nits and lice in just five minutes. That way you don’t have to use harmful pesticides. After applying a product to your child’s hair, use a specific shampoo to remove nits and dead lice.

Next, you need to use a lice comb to remove nits and lice from the hair. Also, be sure to use a lice comb on wet hair so you don’t damage it. It’s very simple to use: run it through the hair piece by piece from root to ends.

In addition, keep in mind that the most effective combs are made of stainless steel. They are better than plastic and remove lice and nits more easily.

Tips to keep head lice at bay

While it is true that there is no way to 100% prevent lice and nits, periodic hair checks can help stop the infection in time and start treatment faster. You can also follow the following tips:

  • To prevent lice and nits, always have a lice comb handy to comb your child’s hair at least once a week, even if the child is not infested with lice. Then wash it thoroughly with warm water.
  • Check your child’s head with a bright light. Also pay special attention to the most common problem areas: the crown, neck and behind the ears.
  • Do not share other children’s accessories such as hats, combs, brushes or towels with other children.
  • Wash your child’s hair regularly.

As you can see, it is not difficult to get rid of nits and head lice. However, you must use the correct products and follow the instructions. Prevention doesn’t take much time, but pay attention to warning signs too.

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