How Many Meals A Day Should You Eat To Lose Weight?

How many meals a day should you eat: three, five, six? Today, this is one of the more controversial issues surrounding nutrition. Dietitians and nutritionists have designed many different meal schedules, but which plan is best for weight loss?
How many meals a day should you eat to lose weight?

The number of meals a day is currently a hot topic. You would almost think that this issue is the most important item. Perhaps this is true to some extent. But according to experts in the field, it is much more complicated. There is no general agreement. Still, nutritionists currently recommend eating five to six meals a day.

Eating multiple meals a day helps to speed up your metabolism

This habit certainly has its advantages. A first positive effect is that it speeds up your metabolism. When you have a faster metabolism, it prevents fat from building up. If you do not eat for a long time, the body will store fat.

In other words, eating only a few large meals a day ensures that your body stores fat. It’s a mechanism your body uses to conserve energy for times when food isn’t available.

On the other hand, if you eat several meals a day, the production of insulin is better regulated. Fat will then not be stored because you use the energy and replenish it during the day. This is the key to losing weight and being in good health. Just don’t forget to train too.

It helps you control the urge to eat

Controlling the urge to eat

People have a hard time eating healthy because they suffer from food cravings. This urge to eat can actually get worse when you’re dieting and trying to lose weight. As a result, you give in to the frustration and return to your unhealthy eating habits.

Sometimes it occurs because you are really hungry. Usually it is just a matter of wanting to eat. Make it a habit to eat several small meals a day. This will reduce your ’emotional hunger’. This meal plan allows you to eat snacks, as opposed to stricter diets.

From a nutritional point of view, fruits and proteins such as chicken can be very effective in combating food cravings. The idea is that this will help you feel full without feeling stuffed.

The number of meals is not the only factor

The number of meals per day

So the recommendation is to eat several meals a day. However, that guarantees nothing. People who eat three large meals a day and also snacks are more likely to gain weight. So that means that someone who eats more than three times a day will not necessarily lose weight.

It is important that you eat more meals per day, but in small portions. In addition, certain times of the day are better to eat carbohydrates. At other times it may be better to reduce the intake.

The idea is that you limit the intake of foods that are very bad for your health.  The basic conditions for weight loss are:

  • Check your portions
  • add lots of fruits and vegetables
  • cut out saturated fats and sugars

Lose weight by choosing your food well

The right food choice

Some foods effectively help speed up your metabolism.  Lean meats such as chicken contain proteins that help to lower the fat content of your body. Athletes are well aware of this fact. Eggs also have a similar effect.

Fruits and vegetables also help with this, such as:

  • apples
  • grapefruit
  • Broccoli
  • salad

Coffee, green tea and protein shakes (with no added sugar) are very healthy choices. All of these foods encourage the development of muscle mass.

It is recommended to use these foods in diets with several meals a day. As you can see, weight loss does not depend solely on the number of meals you eat. It also depends on the quality and quantity of what you eat.

Of course everything is relative

Numbers are relative

Eating six meals a day may be popular.  However, you have to remember that every body is different. Before starting a diet, it is best to talk to a nutritionist. It will help you to choose the best method for you.

Also remember that nothing is better for speeding up your metabolism than a good exercise program. Weight lifting and cardio exercises are fundamental for the best results.

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