How Do You Make Lemon Essential Oil?

Learn a new way to take advantage of this citrus fruit and enjoy its many benefits.
How do you make lemon essential oil?

Lemon essential oil  is a great way to fight cellulite. Why?

Today, almost everyone goes straight to the doctor when they experience a problem. Yet there are still plenty of people who believe in the power of natural remedies. They work often and without negative side effects.

Lemon essential oil is a good example of one of these natural remedies. Thanks to its components, it offers many benefits if you use it regularly, without endangering your health.

You may already be familiar with the benefits of lemons. However, if you want to brush up on your knowledge, keep reading.

How to make lemon essential oil yourself

How to make lemon essential oil yourself


  • 1 lemon (150g)
  • 100ml water
  • 100 ml olive oil
  • A glass jar
  • A glass jar with a lid that can withstand high temperatures.


  • To start, bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
  • Then peel the lemon and keep the zest.
  • Then add the lemon peels to the boiling water.
  • Let it simmer for a minute.
  • Then place the heatproof pot in the pan and add the olive oil – remove the skin from the water.
  • Heat the pot in the water bath for two and a half hours.
  • Then leave it for another 24 hours.

If you follow these steps, you can make your own lemon essential oil with ease. Store the oil in the sealed glass jar in a cool place where it will not be damp.

How to use lemon essential oil

purify the air

The air you breathe in your own home is very important. When you walk outside, the air is polluted almost everywhere. It is therefore a good idea to purify the air in your home.

Lemon provides a fresh scent in the house. Lemon oil will make the air seem less heavy. Even if you don’t realize it, your pituitary gland sends information to your brain to tell it to relax. Use a dispenser for best results.

Improve your digestion

Good digestion with lemon oil

When lemon enters your body, it turns into an alkalizing salt. It also stimulates the production of gastric juices, which may improve your metabolism.

Just use this oil as a salad dressing or add it to your tea. A few drops in a cup of green tea is the perfect ratio.

Reduce Cellulite

Fight cellulite with lemon oil

Cellulite is linked to circulatory problems. Lemon essential oil possesses two good qualities when it comes to this problem: it has a high vitamin C content and contains flavonoids.

Flavonoids seem to improve the movement of fat. They may prevent fat from accumulating over and over in the same areas. Vitamin C can also help with this as it is an antioxidant.

Cellulite usually gets worse as you get older. So it is important to make your body stronger. This way you can delay the consequences associated with the passage of time.

Cure Cold Sores

Fight cold sores with lemon oil

Herpes labialis, or cold sores, is usually the result of an infection. However, it can also occur when it is damp. This makes this oil an ideal ally to treat this problem.

This benefit is again due to the vitamin C content. Vitamin C acts like an antibiotic. However, the oil also acts as a protective film, isolating the infection. This prevents the cold sore from coming into contact with other bacteria that could jeopardize the treatment.

To use the oil for this, it is best to apply it with a cotton swab or sterile gauze.

Overall, this is a very convenient natural remedy that is simple to prepare, affordable and easy to use. Sounds good, right? Don’t forget to share your results if you decide to try it!

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