How Do You Know That Someone With A Partner Likes You

If you think someone with a partner likes you, it’s a good idea to first consider the pros and cons before making a choice. This is a very sensitive situation.
How do you know that someone with a partner likes you

When someone with a partner starts to like you, he or she starts to look at you differently. You know they already have a partner, but you might start to wonder if this person likes you. Depending on how you look at it, this is an uncomfortable or even tempting situation.

If you find yourself attracted to this person, you probably want to know if this is really mutual. The problem is often that you’re not exactly sure if they’re just treating you that way because they want to be nice. In addition, you may be confused and would like to know if there is a click between you. 

But how do you know this? Which behavior gives you the right signal? In this article we will tell you how to tell that someone likes you. So read on!

How do you know someone with a partner likes you?

1. They look at you differently

someone with a partner looks at you differently

When someone is attracted to you, they look at you differently. If they really like you, they will want to look at you anytime. 

This happens both consciously and unconsciously. While they will try to stop themselves in most cases, their eyes will often fall on you if you are around.

2. They want to be near you

If someone who already has a partner likes you, he or she will want to be near you.

  • If you are friends, he or she will always want to be around you.
  • You may notice that he behaves differently towards you than towards other friends. 
  • This way they sometimes try to find out if they have a chance with you. Even if they already have a partner.

3. They tell you everything

they tell you everything

You know they might be talking to you too much, despite the fact that they already have a partner. They message you several times a day and always let you know what they are up to. 

If they always show an interest in your life and keep asking you how you’re doing or how your day was, you may feel like you have something more than just friendship.

4. They compare you to their partner

Nobody likes to be compared to someone else. However, if they start comparing their partner to you, it may be an indirect way of showing you how much they like you.

Maybe they tell you they wish their partner was more like you or had more of your good qualities.

5. They ask you to do many things together

they ask you to do many things together

It is understandable that friends like to share important moments with each other. However, it gets a bit strange when they are determined to do different things together. Especially when it comes to things they should be doing with their partner.

  • If they’d rather spend time with you than with their partner, it could be a sign that they see you as more than a friend.
  • This is a way of telling you that they like you and that they enjoy their time with you.

6. They get jealous when they see you spending time with someone else

If someone with a partner likes you, they may become jealous when they see you spending time with someone else.

  • This can cause them to change their behavior towards you.
  • In other cases, they may tell you not to spend time with this other person because this person may not be good for you.

7. They come to you when they have problems with their partner

they come to you when they have problems with their partner

Maybe this doesn’t make you feel good. However, it is true that someone you like will come to you if he or she is experiencing relationship problems.

In many cases, they do this to find out if they stand a chance with you in case their relationship comes to an end.

8. They try to get into your social circle

Do you find yourself seeing him or her everywhere when you’re out with your friends? This may not be a coincidence.

If someone is attracted to you, he or she will look for different opportunities to get close to you. If they are in your social circle, it will be even easier to be around you. 

9. They look for your attention when they are around

There are several signs that someone can show that they like you. For example, think of:

  • facial expressions
  • body movements
  • behaviour

When you are around each other, you may notice that he or she is trying to get your attention. In this case, they often change their posture or their voice. 

Are you sure someone with a partner likes you? If you are sure about this, think very carefully before making a decision. Remember that it is very difficult to stand between two people in a relationship. 

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