How Do You Become A More Organized Person?

Getting organized and making the day run a little better and smoother is possible. We tell you what organized people do and how you can become one of them!
How do you become a more organized person?

Organization is key to making our routine efficient. But for that, you need to learn how to be a more organized person. People who are organized do not deviate from what they write in their agenda. They keep a close eye on what they have to do.

In this sense, when the day comes to an end, they take 10 minutes to plan the next day’s activities and mark the things that have priority. In addition, they are not only orderly in their notes, but also in their work or study areas.

Do you get frustrated at the end of the day when you realize you could only finish two of the ten activities you planned? It’s very common to feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day. Read on for more tips.

Tips to be more organized

We’re going to share with you some tips that can help you be a little more organized and feel like the day has been productive. We should clarify that you can apply them in any area, be it your home, your work or your life in general.

Use lists

How to become a more organized person

Making to-do lists is a great start to becoming a more organized person. Applications exist to create lists of rankings, colors, or priorities. However, using a classic notebook is always a good choice.

At the same time, it is important to identify which activity is most urgent and which is most tedious to complete first. World-renowned speaker Brian Tracy argues in his book Eat That Frog! (eat that frog) that once you get rid of what you’ve been putting off, everything starts flowing much faster.

You also need to make sure that you don’t try to rely on your memory. No matter how good your memory is. It’s always better to write everything down so you don’t ask yourself, “What else should I have done?” . By taking notes, you reduce misunderstandings and confusion.

Keep everything in place

You’d be surprised if you counted the time we waste looking for our car keys because we didn’t put them in their place. Chargers, mobile phones, papers, pens, clothes, toys in homes where there are children… everything must have its own place, which must be respected. Otherwise you will be searching all day.

One of the tips from Marie Kondo, the house tidying expert, is that when you move from one room to another, you should take something with you. This means that you have to make use of the move to, for example, take the clothes that were left in the kitchen to the bedroom. It is very simple and will save you a lot of time.

Clean up your computer to be more organized

When you work with a computer, it should be organized, with a tidy desk, and with information readily available. Use folders and subfolders to organize your documents.

The same goes for browser bookmarks. It is essential to have directories of websites that share features or that contain similar information. For example, news, suppliers, customers, payment platforms, banks, movies, etc.

It seems obvious, but often we add a new bookmark to our favorites, and then it gets lost. This will take time the next time we log in.

Do one thing at a time

It’s better (and more productive) to focus on one activity at a time. That way , you won’t get distracted and waste your energy trying to do multiple tasks at once. This often leads to not being able to finish them all.

Maintain orderly routines

Life is made up of systems: work, chores, cooking, shopping. Every system makes different demands on us. We suggest that you consider what systems you have in your life. Then organize them one at a time so you know what activities each system requires of you.

The benefits of being more organized

Once organization is a part of your life, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of order. Here are 3 benefits that will show up immediately when you get your life in order.

1. You save time

You save time when you are more organized

By planning everything the day in advance, you start the day with less to do. While you’re having breakfast, you can go through your calendar and get started without any surprises like due dates you might forget or overdue bills.

Organized people don’t leave anything for the next day either. In other words, they clean up their kitchen in the evening and everything is in place and ready for the next day before going to sleep. Trust us: you will start your mornings with a completely different look!

2. Life will be easier if you are more organized

It all comes down to reducing and simplifying (English link). For example, by having one to-do list, you have everything in the same place and you won’t forget birthdays or pay the electricity bill.

3. Your stress level will be lower

Everything we’ve discussed in this article leads us to lower stress levels. That way we don’t overwhelm ourselves trying to accomplish things we already know we won’t be able to accomplish. Instead, we rely on the list we made and stick to it.

Being a more organized person is worth it

It is one of the greatest satisfactions when you mark with a marker an activity that you had to do and that you have completed. It gives a feeling of great self-fulfillment and contentment.

So be kind to yourself and set daily goals that you can achieve. That way you avoid the frustration of not being able to complete all the tasks you set for yourself. A to-do list must be credible and achievable. Have you got yours ready for tomorrow?

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