Home Remedies Against Fungal Nails

Fungi are microorganisms, which in this case specifically affect the nails of the hands and feet. However, we see them most often at the height of the feet, because they reproduce more easily there.
Home remedies for fungal nails

Onychomycosis is the medical term that refers to a fungal infection of the hands and feet, also known as lime or fungal nails.

Fungal nails on your hands and feet

Your feet are often in a warm, moist environment, which is ideal for fungus. If you also suffer from sweaty feet, you have to pay extra attention.

Fungal infections don’t always cause pain, so people often don’t see a doctor. The infections mainly cause discomfort, such as itching, reddening and the skin that peels off at the site.

When looking specifically at the nails, people are usually particularly alarmed by visible changes in their appearance. They become darker, thicker, come off the skin, are more fragile and have an unpleasant odor.

It is important to know that a yeast infection can become dangerous for people whose immune systems are weakened by another condition. However, if your immune system works optimally, a fungus is not so bad, but it is very uncomfortable.

We always recommend treating a condition as soon as possible, even if it doesn’t immediately pose a health threat. If you wait a long time with treatment, it will become increasingly difficult to solve the problem. The treatment will take longer and be much more expensive.

Below we give you some home remedies for early stage nail fungus . However, if you have a fungus on your hands or feet that has been present for a long time and is quite extensive, consult a specialist.


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Prevention is always the best option. Be careful with your personal hygiene and remember that microorganisms especially like dark, warm and humid places. So avoid creating this ideal environment and keep the nails of your hands and feet in good condition.

Keep your nails short and clean. However, if you prefer them long, you will have to pay even more attention to their hygiene. Clean them regularly and do not forget to dry them well. You can even use a hair dryer to do this.

Also clean under your nails, but do not cause injuries, because fungi make good use of this to enter the body through the wound. Also, do not share personal hygiene items, shoes, socks, etc. with others.

Medical treatment for fungal nails ranges from topical treatments to oral medications and, in severe cases, nail removal.

Below we give you some home remedies to combat nail fungus.

Try these home remedies for fungal nails


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Soak your feet in a quart of warm water with a cup of apple cider vinegar for twenty minutes. Then take your feet out and dry them thoroughly.

Baking powder

Make a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Apply it to the infected areas for a few minutes. Then clean thoroughly.


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Grind an onion and apply the juice to the infected nail with a cotton swab. Let it act for half an hour. Then clean your feet and dry them thoroughly.

oregano oil

Make a mixture of two drops of oregano oil and one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply it directly to the infected nail.

These home remedies against fungal nails are best used for a few weeks, provided they do not cause any negative reactions. If nail fungus symptoms persist, see a doctor.

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