Help Your Kidneys Detox With 5 Simple Tips

In addition to balancing acidity in your bloodstream, baking soda can also help improve kidney function and prevent kidney stones.
Help your kidneys detox with 5 simple tips 

It is important to remember that your kidneys are busy all day cleaning the blood in your body by removing waste products and toxins. Do not take this important function of the kidneys for granted, because your health and quality of life depend on it. 

Detoxifying and keeping your kidneys healthy, and ensuring that they continue to function optimally is therefore very important. That is why we give you 5 simple tips here.

The importance of kidney cleansing

Your kidneys are constantly working and do not stop for a second. They filter blood, purify blood, eliminate excessive saltiness and toxins, and stimulate the release of hormones. The result of all this is that your blood pressure is better regulated and the electrolytes in your body are balanced.

People often underestimate the importance of the kidneys and are not aware of how harmful an unhealthy lifestyle can be for the kidneys. Eventually, however, this will cause problems.

Creatinine levels will rise, the kidneys will stop functioning properly and the filtering of the body’s blood will slow down.

You will feel tired and sick. And if you already find your life complicated, try to imagine what it will be like if it has to make way for dialysis.

Perhaps you already know someone in your area who is going through this right now and you already understand how important it is to keep your kidneys clean, healthy and strong. So start doing this today.

Signs of Kidney Problems

Your Kidneys and the Signs of Trouble

We have probably all experienced at least one of the symptoms that we will discuss below. You can therefore take them with a grain of salt, as long as you remain vigilant and intervene if the symptoms become chronic.

For example, some days you will feel tired or notice that your legs are slightly swollen. This need not be a cause for alarm.

However, when this becomes a problem that persists or is accompanied by a lot of discomfort or a constant urge to urinate, you should always consult a doctor.

  • Constant fatigue
  • Swelling in the legs, especially around the ankles
  • Tingling sensation throughout the body, nervousness
  • Frequent urination, much more often than usual
  • Loss of appetite, vomiting and dizziness
  • Hands and legs often fall asleep
  • Constantly looking forward to the chance to sleep
  • Areas of skin that darken

How to detoxify your kidneys in five ways

1. Baking soda

Detox your kidneys with baking soda

Someone has probably already recommended that you use baking soda. Baking soda acts as a natural electrolyte and therefore helps to control and regulate the acidity in the blood (pH value).

If you have kidney problems, it’s normal to have a condition known as renal acidosis – increased acidity that interferes with kidney function.

Baking soda can help balance pH levels and prevent acidosis, as well as help prevent the development of kidney stones and generally improve kidney function. It is wise to drink a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water at least three times a week.

2. The benefits of apple cider vinegar

Detox your kidneys with apple cider vinegar

The acid present in apple cider vinegar can be very beneficial for the kidneys. At first this may seem contradictory, because we don’t want the acidity of our blood to rise.

However, apple cider vinegar is a very helpful remedy, as it is able to aid digestion and detoxify the kidneys. Drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar after dinner. Detoxifying your kidneys with apple cider vinegar is worth a try.

3. The best natural herbs for your kidneys

Detox your kidneys with natural herbs

Phytotherapy, also known as herbal medicine, is an ideal way to cleanse the kidneys. It helps to filter the bloodstream, is said to reduce inflammation and can prevent the development of kidney stones. So, which herbs and plants are best for our daily cup of tea?

  • Basil: This herb is the ideal treatment to avoid those painful kidney stones. Use five basil leaves and one tablespoon of honey per cup of tea.
  • Dandelion: This is one of the best herbs for your digestive system, liver and kidneys. It is a great addition to your detox treatment. Make a tea by boiling two teaspoons of dried dandelion in a cup of water for 15 minutes. Drink this tea once a day.
  • Ginger: If you’re already raving about ginger, you’re in luck. Ginger root is considered one of the best natural roots for treating problems such as inflammation, pain and infections. In addition, it can help purify the liver and kidneys and make these organs stronger.

4. The best fruits and the best juices

Detox your kidneys with juices
  • Watermelon: This is a medicinal fruit and a natural medicine for the kidneys. Why? Because watermelon contains a lot of water and additionally helps to purify the body tissue and bloodstream. Remember that it is always best to eat watermelon when it is fresh.
  • Pomegranate juice : Thanks to its astringent properties, this acidic juice is an essential part of a healthy diet that you should definitely take advantage of.

5. Detoxify your kidneys in the morning with a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon

Detox your kidneys with olive oil and lemon

As you may already know, olive oil is rich in oleic acid and this gives the oil anti-inflammatory properties that help you take good care of your body. In addition, olive oil is full of monounsaturated fats that are good for the kidneys.

In the morning, drink a mixture of one tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice. This will also help prevent the development of kidney stones.

Why don’t you start right away?

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