Good People Hide Their Wounds, But Never Surrender Themselves

Don’t confuse good people with people who want to take advantage of you. If you feel that someone is taking advantage of you, distance yourself from this person and protect your integrity.
Good people hide their wounds but never surrender themselves

Good people are more than just a pillar of their family, an eternal ally within their group of friends, or a beacon of light in our complex society.

It is a real challenge to be a good person.  Good people are confronted with deceit, betrayal and the idea that not everyone sees and perceives the world from their own point of view.

It’s not easy, but let’s make one thing clear right away. G a not from the idea that people can be divided into two categories, good or bad. This is not true.

Everyone is unique

It’s about understanding that there are certain people who have unique traits and traits that make them unique individuals. These are people who see the world from their heart. They are remarkably sensitive, but also much more courageous.

Some never give up

It is true that good people hide a lot of wounds and pain that are now scarred, yet these people never give up and don’t want to change their attitude at all. This is because they simply cannot do otherwise; no one can change themselves so easily.

If you recognize yourself in this, we will give you some tips below to better cope with your daily life.

Good people must learn to care for their emotional integrity

Woman in Boat

It’s interesting to see good people blaming themselves when others let them down. If someone betrays me, it is because I expect far too much from others or because I trust others unconditionally.

  • Little by little, every degree of pain and deceit we experience in our hearts is crammed into the personal suitcase we call our self-confidence.
  • Because good people feel responsible when others disappoint or fail them, they ultimately form a negative self-image. While someone who provides care, support and positive energy should never come to this conclusion.
  • As humans, we often have to look for the right way to maintain our inner balance in both positive and negative situations.

If we don’t, we will become victims instead of heroes. And when the people around us notice this, they are more likely to take advantage of us.

The art of self love


Self-love is an emotional and psychological muscle that provides us with strength and dignity. Just think of your own skeleton. These muscles allow you to stand upright on two feet and face the world with strength and harmony.

  • When you break a bone, you not only feel pain, but you are also unable to move and there is even the chance that you become dependent on others.
  • Good people must learn to love themselves. To achieve this, these people must learn to say ‘no’ when they don’t want to do something or simply can’t do something that is expected of them.
  • Moreover, kindness in no way means putting aside your own dignity. If you feel as if you are the victim of manipulation or selfishness, then you have a right and an obligation to protect yourself. Stand up for yourself.

The scars you hide are what you are today


You have been hurt so many times and maybe you have never shared these deceptions that you have experienced with anyone.

  • It is important to learn how to deal with these situations and emotional wounds.
  • If someone disappoints you, it’s not your fault. Learn to understand that simply not everyone is who you want them to be.
  • Of course you feel hurt and this hurts, but the sooner you learn to move on, the better.
  • Our scars teach us to see things more clearly, to be wiser, to not always give everything away without ever getting anything in return, and to open our hearts to the people who have proven themselves to be sincere.

Never give up, never forget your roots

  • Good people cannot be anything but what they are. People who have  an open heart to the people around them, who are willing to help and offer happiness.
  • Only in this way can good people go through life and feel good. Perhaps that is why good people experience so much pain and emptiness when their dedication, effort and presence are not appreciated.
  • However, never forget your roots. Learn to understand that kindness and dignity go hand in hand.
  • Drawing attention to yourself and saying things like Why don’t you take me into account” or “You make me feel like I’m worthless  doesn’t make you selfish. This is the way you can defend yourself and practice self-love.

So always be the person you are, the only person you ever knew. However, remember that you can always set boundaries and protect yourself.

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