Fungus On Your Feet? Read Our Tips

Fungus on the toes is a very common problem that often gets little attention until the fungus has fully developed.
Fungus on your feet?  Read our tips

Fungus on the toes is a very common problem that often gets little attention until the fungus has fully developed. It is important that you know that the growth of a fungus is an extremely slow process.

It takes about three times as long as a normal nail to grow, which is why it is so difficult to detect them before they have taken over your entire foot and you have to start a treatment to completely get rid of the fungus.

In order to avoid problems, it is therefore recommended that you learn ways to avoid fungus on the feet.

The scientific term for this condition is onychomycosis. It is important that you know that completely removing it is difficult, because it takes a lot of time and perseverance before the fungus is completely gone. It can be done naturally or through the application of topical treatments.

In this article we give you some tips on how to avoid fungus on the feet .

Causes of Mold

One of the main causes of fungus on the feet is sweating. This will cause you more trouble in the summer, because then the feet are exposed to moist conditions for a longer period of time. If you often shower or go swimming, the chance of mold is significantly higher.

As you already know, fungi grow very easily in a humid environment. So be careful and dry your feet well!


Some of the symptoms that we should be aware of with fungi are color changes and the thickness of the nail. However, sometimes they can also cause a strong odor.

However, you should know that fungi do not only occur on the nails, but also between the toes. These can be easily treated to avoid further complications.

The growth of a nail fungus is very slow, which gives you time to discover it. The problem, however, is that you won’t notice the presence of fungus until the nail starts to change color or is thicker than normal.

That’s why we recommend that you monitor every minor change, as early action is an important factor in preventing a worse infection or condition.

If you’re lucky and discovered a fungus early, you can visit a podiatrist. He or she will remove the damaged areas of the nail, allowing a completely new, healthy nail to begin growing.

That may not seem like an ideal solution, but it is very important that a nail that contains a fungus is removed, otherwise it can result in very uncomfortable problems.

Protect your feet against fungus

fungus feet
  • It is important to occasionally wear shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Fungi thrive in dark, moist and warm environments. So don’t forget to ventilate your feet as much as possible.
  • Do not walk barefoot in places where many people do this, such as in the gym, in the swimming pool, etc.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly after showering and even when they sweat.
  • Exposing your feet to direct sunlight from time to time can also counteract problems.
  • Do not share your shoes with anyone else. You never know if that person has a fungus or not and if you share your shoes, you can get the fungus too.

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