Fruit That Makes You Younger!

Fruit provides few calories and many nutrients. And it might even keep you fresh and fruity.
Fruits that make you younger!

As we all know, the daily piece of fruit ensures that our body stays healthy and that it absorbs all the essential minerals and nutrients. However, if you would like to stay a few years younger, know that some fruits are real superstars in the fight against the aging process, due to the high concentration of antioxidants they contain.

Take a look below and discover which fruits are the best to add to your daily diet to look radiant, younger and boost your vitality and energy level.


We encounter red fruit a lot in daily life and are indispensable in our daily diet, because it has so many health-promoting properties. The cranberry occupies a special place and we describe it below, because:

  • They are very tasty and also easy to process.
  • They stimulate the rejuvenation process of both our body in general and our appearance.

This berry is known for its high concentration of antioxidants,  which protect against free radicals, which cause skin and body aging.

They contain a lot of vitamins A and C and to a lesser extent vitamin B. They are also rich in the minerals:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

Discover the superpower of cranberries:

  • Stimulates brain function and strengthens memory
  • Recognized as a natural prevention and remedy for bladder and urinary tract infections
  • Also improves vision problems and is especially supportive with problems with night vision
  • The ripe berry is also used as a laxative
  • Contains detoxifying properties for the whole body
  • Helps your skin produce new collagen and improve skin elasticity, leaving your skin looking radiant and younger


Papaya is one of the tastiest tropical fruits, but fortunately also more and more often available at the grocer around the corner.

The benefits of papaya for our health and well-being are:

  • Papaya is alkaline and counteracts acidification of the body, one of the causes of aging and disease
  • Has a laxative effect and is recommended for constipation
  • Promotes a beautiful colored complexion and gives you a younger look
  • Healing in eczema and promotes the healing of bruises and skin wounds
  • Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (pain and inflammation are often also consequences of chronic diseases) and is essential for a healthy approach to the aging process
  • The seeds of the papaya help to eliminate intestinal parasites, a disease that is more common than is generally believed
  • Strengthens the general immune system

Papaya is an indispensable remedy for any ailments of the digestive system such as:

  • stomach ulcers
  • intestinal inflammation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Gastroenteritis etc

After all, a completely healthy digestive system ensures excellent general well-being, increased quality of life and a younger appearance


We have all heard that a single glass of red wine is an excellent remedy for the aging process. The good news is that this property can be found in the grape itself and we can benefit from it without consuming alcohol.

Resveratrol is found in the skin of blue grapes and prevents cell aging and has a beneficial effect in the prevention of:

  • Metabolic diseases
  • General inflammation
  • Heart conditions

Opt for the healthy alternative and treat yourself regularly to a glass of freshly blended grape smoothie (seed and skin included).

Daily grape juice


Avocado is indeed a fruit and offers a wealth of benefits for our health. Both the meat and juice and even the kernel fall under the definition of superfoods and provide us with high-quality nutrients.

The avocado is rich in proteins and healthy fats that provide extra nourishment for our skin and the health of the body in general. The high vitamin E content also helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles and look younger!

Avocados also contain nutrients that support the cardiovascular system and can therefore prevent cardiovascular disease and prevent water retention.


A lesser-known tropical but surprising fruit is the mangosteen, the fruit and skin are packed with healthy substances and have the following healthy properties:

  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory
  • Increases vitality
  • Also promotes weight loss
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • The presence of catechins ensures a high antioxidant effect
  • Applied topically, it is an excellent remedy for eczema, psoriasis and inflammation of the skin
  • Has a kidney-supporting function
  • Contains tryptophan, which supports depression and promotes general psychological well-being
  • Also strengthens the immune system

Plenty of reasons to try this surprising fruit. Not available fresh everywhere, but often also for sale as fruit juice in the organic store or natural specialty store.


Stay younger too with pomegranate

Rich in the natural antioxidant polyphenol, with high anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, the pomegranate should not be missing from the list.

The fruit is also rich in potassium and other numerous minerals such as:

  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3 or niacin

The combination of the antioxidants with the listed nutrients ensures that the pomegranate is impressively good for our health, can be used to prevent the aging process and plays an important role in the metabolism of the skin cell, leaving the skin younger and more attractive.

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