Foods That Help To Satisfy Your Appetite

If you want to lose weight, it is essential to watch what you eat. In this article, we’ll tell you which foods you should eat to control your appetite.
Foods That Help Satisfy Your Appetite

When you are on a weight loss diet, it is very natural to feel the desire to eat certain foods that are full of calories. The same thing happens when you feel anxious or depressed. To avoid such situations, we would like to recommend some foods that can satisfy your appetite.

Sometimes you may think you are hungry. However, in reality, it is a different feeling like boredom, anxiety, depression, etc. When the desire to eat all you can comes to you, you can eat a whole bag of chips or a whole cake without even realizing it.

People who are dieting to lose weight consider it normal for food cravings, especially if their main meals and snacks contain fewer calories than their bodies actually need.

If you’re looking for great results and want to make sure the effort you put in is worth it, we recommend the following foods that can satisfy your appetite. Keep in mind that these are not miracle weight loss solutions, but they can help.

Foods to satisfy your appetite

1. Greek yogurt

Cup of greek yogurt

Unlike regular yogurt, this strain has more liquid removed and is creamier and more protein-rich. If you are very hungry, just eat a serving of sugar-free Greek yogurt.

  • It provides you with 15 grams of high-quality protein (regular yogurt contains only 7 grams).
  • This can satisfy your appetite better than carbohydrates and fat.
  • The best part is that it has fewer calories than other options.

2. Cheese

Just one or two cubes of cheese can help satisfy your appetite. You can opt for lower sodium or fat options. Most importantly, eating cheese will give you a good amount of protein to help eliminate that empty feeling in your stomach.

If you think you can’t go a second without eating something and still make it to the next meal , a piece of cheese can help with your hunger pangs.

3. Black coffee

There are people who are for and against caffeine because of its effects. If you decide to drink it, you should opt for black coffee with no added sugar or cream. That way you don’t get any extra calories at all.

Coffee can help speed up your metabolism and suppress food cravings. The effects can last up to three hours after drinking a cup of coffee.

4. Avocado

Avocado to satisfy your appetite

Another recommended food that can satisfy your appetite is avocado, as it contains many nutrients such as omega 9 fatty acids. This type of fatty acid is good for your circulation and the heart. It can help you feel full faster than carbs and even protein.

The vegetable oils with a high oleic acid content are converted into a substance known as phenylethanolamine, which reaches your nerve endings and sends your brain signals that you are full. In addition, this fruit is an excellent substitute for other spices and sauces that you would normally eat with dishes such as:

  • sandwiches
  • salads
  • meat

5. Olive oil

This has a similar effect to avocado. Extra virgin olive oil provides many essential nutrients that help fight your appetite. As if that weren’t enough, it completely changes the taste of your meals.

You can enjoy some olives if you are really hungry or season your salads with olive oil. This helps avoid the feeling that your stomach is empty, which is so common in some diets.

6. Vegetable soup

This is without a doubt one of the best foods that can satisfy your appetite. First of all, it is made of hot water which can help fill your stomach for a few hours. Second, it contains many different vegetables that have some satisfying fiber.

Enjoying a warm cup of vegetable stock can also help relieve stress and anxiety, which often cause overeating. It is also a very comforting option for the winter months!

  • You can make vegetable stock with carrots, zucchini, celery, or Swiss chard and enjoy it in the middle of the morning or mid-afternoon.
  • You can also process everything in the blender to get a meal that can satisfy your hunger.

7. Chili pepper

Bowl of chili peppers to satisfy your appetite

If you like spicy foods, you can take advantage of the properties of chili peppers, which can help you lose weight and fight hunger. Adding this ingredient to meals and snacks will help increase the number of calories you burn during the day.

Chili peppers will also  activate the receptors in the mouth, resulting in that burning sensation. This causes a ‘fight or flight’ response in the body that prevents you from overeating. If you can’t handle spicy foods, just start adding a few red pepper flakes to dishes like:

  • pasta and pizza
  • chicken
  • Curry

8. Fruit Smoothies

An apple or pear mid-morning or afternoon is not the same as enjoying a rich smoothie made with different fruits. You can even add bananas once or twice a week. It is very simple and you can choose any combination you want.

Do not add sugar. Also, adding some water will make the mixture less thick. Try something different every day. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, oranges, everything is allowed. They are especially refreshing in summer.

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