Foods That Cause Abdominal Distension

To prevent abdominal swelling, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and avoid foods that cause gas and other related problems.
Foods That Cause a Distended Belly

Everyone wants their stomachs to be as flat as possible and many people go to great lengths to achieve this goal through diet or exercise. But just when everything seems to be going according to plan, you suddenly get a bloated stomach.

You can barely get your jeans and other clothes on because they are too tight.

Some people don’t experience this symptom, but others suffer from the effect that a bloated stomach has on their physical appearance, as it makes them look heavier than they actually are.

However, in this case it is not just an aesthetic problem. Everyone should be aware that this swelling is the result of an overloaded digestive system. The digestive system can become overloaded by overeating or eating foods that are irritating to the body.

In addition, you may experience not only swelling and unpleasant symptoms such as intestinal gas, but also pain.

Find out which foods can cause a bloated stomach

It is important to be aware of the foods that can trigger a bloated stomach so that you can avoid these foods in the future.

1. Foods Rich in Fat

Foods rich in fat can cause a bloated belly

High-fat foods are one of the leading causes of abdominal swelling. These foods not only make you gain weight, but also slow digestion and raise your cholesterol levels.

A great example are those irresistible fries. Rich in fat and starch and they are very heavy on the stomach.

2. Carbonated Drinks

Sodas and other carbonated drinks are a favorite for many people, mostly due to the high sugar content that can eventually be addictive.

The bad news is that the carbon dioxide these drinks contain is heavy on your stomach. As a result, it can cause symptoms such as heartburn and swelling.

3. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables can cause a bloated belly

Vegetables belonging to this group contain, among other things, an oligosaccharide called raffinose, which is very difficult to digest. When raffinose comes into contact with the bacteria in your gut, it begins to ferment. As a result  , it causes symptoms such as stomach upset, intestinal gas and belching.

This, combined with the high fiber content, means that these vegetables can cause a bloated stomach.

To avoid this if you are sensitive to this, it is therefore best to include cruciferous vegetables in your diet in moderation and always consume them in combination with other foods that control the effect these vegetables have on your body.

4. Salt

Excessive salt intake is one of the main causes of fluid retention. It is strongly linked to abdominal bloating problems.

Reducing your salt intake isn’t just good for your stomach. It also has a positive impact on your overall health and multiple important organs.

5. Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates are subject to a process in which the fiber containing these carbohydrates is removed. As a result, empty calories that provide very few nutrients.

One of the worst culprits is white flour. White flour is used in common foods such as pizza, bread, pastries, etc.

Some people are even intolerant to these products and may have an allergic reaction when they eat them.

6. Spicy Food

Spicy foods can cause a bloated stomach

Spices can provide many health benefits. However, they can also cause a bloated stomach if you don’t consume them properly. This happens when the stomach produces too much stomach acid and irritates the stomach lining. This causes an inflammatory reaction.

Therefore, it is important to consume these products in moderation. These products include:

  • Black pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • Chili powder
  • Mustard

7. Dairy Products

People who suffer from lactose intolerance should avoid consuming dairy products, even though these products are often so tempting. These products can interfere with their digestion and cause abdominal bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

8. Beans

Beans can cause bloating

Beans are a fairly common product in most diets. Their high content of polysaccharides and other ingredients also makes them one of the most difficult to digest foods available.

They cause an accumulation of intestinal gas, which can cause swelling and other annoying stomach and intestinal complaints.

While you shouldn’t completely eliminate these foods from your diet, you should limit your intake and make sure you cook them well before eating them.

You can get the same amount of protein by replacing these products with fish, chicken or soy products.

Since all eight of these foods can cause bloating, it’s best to avoid consuming them in excess to avoid the aforementioned hindering symptoms.

However, if your problem persists, it is a good idea to consult your doctor. This could be a sign of a more serious disorder.

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