Follow These Five Steps For Abundance In Your Life

Learn to stop coveting what you don’t have. Instead, begin to appreciate other more important dimensions, such as gratitude for what you do have.
Follow these five steps for abundance in your life

Abundance is the fantastic quality of prioritizing the positive rather than the negative.  It’s about being grateful for everything you have and being much more aware of your possibilities. The result of this is the achievement of prosperity.

This idea may seem simple at first glance, but it encompasses some deep ideas that need to be considered.

We live in a society where collecting things and money is synonymous with success. In which the perfect body is synonymous with social success.

How did we end up here? Why does a teenager without the latest cell phone model feel frustrated? Why do we hate our own body if it doesn’t conform to the ideal image of beauty? Maybe we have the wrong focus.

We need to reformulate our thought processes to allow ourselves to be freer and more open to what really matters.

We suggest you think about this. Next, we invite you to consider the five dimensions that are sure to help you live a fuller, happier life.

1. Master Your Need for Artificial Abundance


Everyone is trying to fulfill the dimensions that are the building blocks of Maslow’s pyramid of human needs.

  • Aspects such as security of shelter, having food and clothing, and opportunities to grow and enjoy good health are essential, true priorities.
  • But in modern society, another aspect has made its appearance: consumerism.
  • We live in a reality where we often neglect what we already have and instead focus our interest on what we lack.
  • And sometimes what we miss is just the latest cell phone model, a nicer car, trendy clothes….
  • All this leads to what we mentioned earlier: the appearance of success or status.

We want what others have to feel like we belong. As if we are part of an artificial homeostasis that is so common in our world today.

Think about it. Consider whether your current needs are artificial or authentic.

2. Learn to be thankful

One way to make room for a life of authentic abundance is to be grateful for everything you already have. That’s something we don’t often think about and value as much as we should.

  • First of all, be thankful for your own integrity. Be grateful for your own existence: life and being in this world is an amazing thing. Every day that you are aware of that, new opportunities will come your way. You can’t help but be happy with this attitude.
  • Realize what wonderful things you have: for example your family and friends, real precious treasures that give you authentic abundance every day.

3. Abundance is in the most simple, basic things in life

Woman in the woods

Abundance does not mean that your balance in the bank consists of many decimal places. It also does not mean that you collect many friends on social networks or have a large collection of clothes in the closet. Or, for example, jewelry in your jewelry box or cars in your garage.

The secret to being happy can be found in appreciating the simplest, most basic things in your life.

For example, a nice afternoon with a friend, doing something good and then being proud of yourself or even taking a walk enjoying nature. This is the space in which we live authentic lives in abundance.

4. Stop Focusing on What’s Missing in Your Life

We know it is not easy to apply this thought process to your daily life. It’s not easy because we live in times of scarcity, whether we like it or not.

  • Good work is not readily available and social inequality is common in many cities around the world.
  • Having your own house is often a privilege or something we strive for and that requires many sacrifices and investments.
  • You may not have the perfect body or the ideal relationship or a job that showcases your abilities and skills.
  • But let’s make one thing clear: you can’t ONLY focus on what you’re missing in your life. If you do, you will spend your life in total discontent.

Appreciate what you do have and be grateful for it. See your reality in a new, hopeful light. Life is full of possibilities and you will only see them if you feel that you are worthy, if you are calm and if you have sufficient self-esteem.

5. Nurture a different kind of consciousness focused on prosperity

Woman with flowers

What do we mean by prosperity? Prosperity gives room for a new start, a time of positivity and also confirming your dreams, desires and hopes.

An abundant inner life is the way to obtain this. It may take some time to get there, but with practice you can change your attitude. Because only when you feel sure of yourself, full of self-love and self-respect, will you be able to get closer to reaching these dimensions.

Apply it in practice: learn how to develop the abundance that is already within you.

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