Five Ways To Keep Psoriasis At Bay

To keep psoriasis at bay, it’s essential that you know what’s causing it and what habits you can adopt to help relieve the symptoms. Today we tell you what you can do to optimize the treatment of this skin condition.
Five ways to keep psoriasis at bay

While you’re trying to keep psoriasis at bay, it’s important to know that it’s not contagious. It cannot be transferred to other people. The worst that can happen is that it can spread to other parts of your body during development.

This skin disease is a common autoimmune disease. The exact causes are unknown. It involves excessive production and accumulation of skin cells. This causes red, dry, thick and scaly patches to appear in certain areas such as:

  • the elbows
  • knees
  • scalp
  • even at the eyes

The symptoms of psoriasis can be mild or severe, depending on the type and measures taken to treat it. Therefore, you need to know what causes these outbreaks and how you can improve your lifestyle to make the condition more tolerable.

Psoriasis Outbreaks: What Makes Them Happen?

Someone with psoriasis

Psoriasis manifests itself in different ways in everyone. It all depends on the type of psoriasis and the immune response of the affected person. Psoriasis vulgaris, also called plaque, is the most common type. It looks like thick, shiny patches of flaky skin, usually accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • dryness
  • redness
  • itch
  • pain (in some cases)

According to the National Psoriasis Association, mild cases manifest as patches that cover up to 3% of the body. In contrast, the most severe cases of this condition can affect as much as 10% of the skin.

While the exact causes are unknown, most cases have two factors in common: genetics and the immune system. Also, there are certain environmental and lifestyle factors that can influence the appearance or worsening of outbreaks.

While some outbreaks are difficult to prevent, others can be mitigated to reduce the risk of complications. The most common factors are:

  • Infections in any part of your body.
  • Smoking cigarettes and cigars.
  • Cuts or burns.
  • Constant exposure to stressful situations.
  • Dry air, either due to the weather or from being in an artificially heated room.
  • The intake of large amounts of alcohol.
  • Taking certain medicines (such as lithium or medicines for high blood pressure).
  • Have a vitamin D deficiency.
  • Overweight or obesity.

Tips to keep psoriasis at bay

For obvious reasons, it’s best to keep psoriasis at bay or to help prevent it from spreading to different parts of your body. You are doing this to start changing your lifestyle. This reduces the chance of triggers and supports medical treatment.

1. Follow a healthy diet

Five ways to keep psoriasis at bay

Diet plays an important role in fighting psoriasis. Maintaining a good diet is therefore one of the essential habits to follow to help prevent or at least keep psoriasis outbreaks from getting worse. It is very important for people suffering from this condition to change their eating habits.

Alcohol is a big trigger, so you should avoid it completely or keep consumption to an absolute minimum. Also reduce the intake of gluten and other foods that could cause irritation.

Instead, increase your intake of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and antioxidants. Vegetables, fruit and fish oil are rich in this and therefore ideal to consume.

However, it is best to talk to your doctor and come up with a plan together. Nutritional needs vary from person to person.

2. Smoking definitely won’t help keep psoriasis at bay

Tobacco is just as harmful as alcohol for patients with psoriasis. In fact, tobacco use has been classified as one of the leading causes of the typical outbreaks of this condition.

Therefore, if you smoke and want to improve this condition, stop smoking or keep smoking to a minimum. There are many strategies available to help you quit smoking.

3. Protect your skin

Protect your skin

Skin care plays an important role in preventing psoriasis outbreaks. Because this condition directly affects your health, certain habits should be emphasized to protect you from environmental factors.

For example, sunburn, pollution and wounds can make your symptoms worse. You should therefore remember the following:

  • Apply sunscreen to your skin every day. Use a mild variety that does not cause allergies.
  • Keep your skin well hydrated with a cream for sensitive skin. Also, keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Also be careful with nicks and cuts. Treat it properly right away for quick healing. For this purpose, for example, pure honey is a great substance to apply to wounds.
  • If possible, install a humidifier in your home or office or other places where you spend a lot of time. It will minimize exposure to a dry air.
  • Avoid using perfumes or other harsh chemicals.
  • Finally, avoid taking very hot showers or baths.

4. Keep psoriasis at bay by managing stress

It’s very common for psoriasis to get worse when you’re feeling stressed. In addition, it is also normal to feel stressed when the symptoms of psoriasis worsen or when they do not seem to be improving. However, it is important to manage your stress as it negatively affects this condition.

Try the following to reduce your stress:

  • Have a flexible schedule at work.
  • Spend time on pleasant things.
  • Spend time with friends and family.
  • Keep your body healthy through diet and exercise.
  • Apply a relaxation routine with breathing exercises. Yoga and meditation are ideal for this. However, there are many other options to choose from.

5. Sleep well

Sleep can help with psoriasis

You should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day without interruptions. This will work wonders in helping you avoid psoriasis outbreaks.

Following a good sleep schedule will strengthen your immune system, relieve stress and help you maintain your optimal weight. All this together has a very positive effect when it comes to keeping psoriasis at bay.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that the symptoms of psoriasis can actually lead to sleep disturbances. Therefore, apply simple strategies, such as for example:

  • wearing appropriate nightwear.
  • provide a comfortable environment in your bedroom.
  • avoid using distracting elements in your bedroom such as computers, cell phones and the like.

Keep psoriasis at bay with the recommendations above. In addition, be sure to have regular medical checkups to evaluate the condition of your condition and to hear about any other options available to treat it.

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