Five Tips To Get Rid Of Your Migraines Fast

Do you suffer from migraines? Give these great remedies a chance and say goodbye to those pesky headaches.
Five tips to get rid of your migraine quickly

People who suffer from migraines know how excruciating these hours can be. They also know better than anyone how it affects their quality of life. Any noise or activity becomes an enemy of the migraine sufferer. Because he just wants to rest until the pain passes.

In today’s article, we want to share with you a few tips that could help  you quickly relieve the pain of a migraine attack through homemade and natural remedies.

Find the cause of the migraine


Before we share a few tips for relieving migraines, we should point out that these remedies are  not the definitive solution to the condition if you suffer from chronic migraines.

The tips we would like to propose today are some ancient remedies that we have chosen for their effectiveness, as they use  natural ingredients to relieve migraines quickly and effectively.  They also ensure that you do not need chemicals that carry risks and side effects.

1. Hot foot bath

If you suffer from migraines, there is often a blockage in your head that causes headaches and pressure. All you need for this remedy is some hot water and a  footbath large enough for both feet.

What are you doing?

  • Sit comfortably on a chair or couch  and place the foot bath on the floor in front of you.
  • The water should be  as hot as you can tolerate without burning your skin.
  • Soak your feet for  20 to 30 minutes.
  • It’s a good idea to have some extra hot water ready  for when the water cools down.
  • When you’re done, dry your feet and put on your socks.

This will help relieve some of the pain and tension by improving your circulation and relaxing.

2. Clay on the belly


Putting clay on your stomach is an antidote to everything, because this central part of your body is an important spot that helps balance all your functions.

  • When you smear clay porridge over your stomach, it has an  immediate anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing effect. That is where you can apply this remedy at any time.
  • Let it sit for at least half an hour, although  it is recommended to leave it on overnight.
  • When mixing the clay with water, do not use plastic or metal containers or utensils, as this can affect the benefits of this product. Use glass, wood or ceramics instead  .

3. Enema with coffee

An enema with coffee  can have a great effect on the functioning of your liver,  an organ that may be related to migraines and many other health problems.

  • To do this, you must ensure that you always ground organic coffee beans used not toasted. You apply it with rubber tools.
  • You need at least half a liter of water, so  we recommend boiling a liter of water with 50 to 60 grams of coffee.
  • Apply the enema  when it has cooled to room temperature while lying on your right side. 
  • Try to keep it in for at least ten minutes before pouring it out and using the second half of the water for another treatment.

4. Lemon on the wrist


This age-old remedy is based on the cleansing properties of lemons,  a citrus fruit that significantly lowers the body’s pH level.

You just need  to put half a lemon on each wrist for ten minutes. It’s so easy it’s always worth a try.

Drinking water with lemon juice can also help if you suffer from migraines.

5. Massage with essential oils

The last of these five tips is also probably the most enjoyable and relaxing, especially if you have someone to do it for you.

This treatment consists of  massaging the painful areas of the face and head  with a mixture of two essential oils.

  • Mint Oil:  It is very refreshing and mint is an aromatic herb that  provides instant relief.
  • Lavender Oil: With its cleansing and relaxing effect  , lavender can be your best friend to fight migraines.

You can  dilute these essential oils  with a little vegetable oil, lotion, or aloe vera gel, as they are often very concentrated.

Only pure essential oils

Remember that you should only use pure essential oils, as there are many synthetic varieties sold that do not have the medicinal properties and are only for diffusing fragrance.

Give these great remedies a chance and say goodbye to those pesky migraines!

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