Find Out What Causes A Metallic Taste In Your Mouth

Have you ever wondered what causes a metallic taste in your mouth? This strange taste may be due to medical problems. If this does not go away on its own, it is important to see a specialist to diagnose and prevent other problems.
Find out what causes a metallic taste in your mouth

A metallic taste in your mouth is more common than many people think. It can even indicate various health problems.

The condition can be temporary or can range from mild to severe, depending on the cause. It can develop for several reasons. In addition, it can lead to a total loss of appetite. Even speaking can become a problem.

Main causes of a metallic taste in your mouth

Certain medications

Metallic taste in your mouth from medication

When starting medical treatment, there may be a metallic taste in your mouth. If this is the case, you can consult a specialist.  You can then ask to change something so that you do not suffer from side effects.

Among the drugs that can cause this effect are:

  • Antibiotics
  • Antidepressants
  • Kidney Stone Medicine
  • Some ingredients used to balance calcium
  • Treatments for hypertension

Poor oral and dental health

Poor oral hygiene can also be one of the causes of a metallic taste in your mouth.

In addition, too much plaque can cause gingivitis. This is an infection that destroys the gums. This means that your teeth are no longer well supported.

Good oral hygiene is fundamental to protect you and eliminate that irritating metallic taste in your mouth.


Metallic taste in your mouth from pregnancy

Did you have a metallic taste in your mouth in the early months of pregnancy ? A lot of women suffer from this. This is due to changes in hormones in the body, especially in the first trimester. Later this complaint disappears.

Allergies and Infections

Some allergies and yeast infections in the mouth and on the tongue can affect the taste buds and alter the taste in the mouth. This can give you a metallic taste in your mouth.

Allergies are also related to this. Both mucus and nasal congestion can cause this problem.

Nervous System Problems

nervous system

An imbalance in the area of ​​the brain that controls the sense of taste can cause this problem.

High levels of certain minerals

The metallic taste in your mouth can also be due to an excess of minerals (such as iron or copper) in the body.

Likewise, a deficiency or an excess of zinc can also cause a metallic taste in your mouth. It’s a good idea to get a test to determine the levels of these minerals in your blood.

Toxic gasses

Woman with raised hand

The inhalation of large quantities of toxins can cause a metallic taste in your mouth. Examples include substances such as benzene, cobalt and varnishes or exposure to mercury or lead.

Other causes of a metallic taste in your mouth include:

  • Food poisoning, especially from fish and seafood.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Recommendations to reduce the metallic taste in your mouth

Salt water mouthwash

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of salt, this remedy works very well. It helps treat your gums and kill oral bacteria that cause a metallic taste in your mouth.

In addition, it also helps to follow the following tips:

  • Remove remains of food between the teeth after eating.
  • Soothe the throat and open the blocked nasal passages.

Citrus fruits

Eating citrus fruits stimulates the secretion of saliva and thereby helps to minimize the metallic taste in your mouth. For this you can eat oranges, lemons, grapefruit and other citrus fruits.

Maintain good oral hygiene

It is recommended to brush the teeth and tongue two or three times a day. Gargling is also a good idea. That way you can completely eliminate all unwanted micro-organisms.

You can also use a small amount of baking soda and salt on your toothbrush to get rid of all the germs.

Make sure you drink enough

Drink  seven to eight glasses of water a day to keep the body hydrated and clean. As a result, this will prevent the mouth from drying out.

Lozenges and candy

Certain lozenges and candies aromas, such as mint, eucalyptus, or licorice, can mask the metallic taste in your mouth. In addition, they help you to hydrate your mouth.

Likewise, chewing on a piece of cardamom or cloves around noon helps. This ensures that the mouth is refreshed and the breath smells fresh again.

If the problem doesn’t improve after a few days, see a doctor who can check to see if a pathogen is causing the metallic taste in your mouth.

Remember that the effect of the remedy or treatment may vary. That depends on the cause of the problem.

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