Exploding Head Syndrome: Have You Ever Suffered From This?

Exploding Head Syndrome is a common problem. Fortunately, you can treat it with medication and use techniques to relax.
Exploding Head Syndrome: have you ever suffered from this?

Exploding Head Syndrome is basically a type of sleep disorder. The patient suddenly wakes up with an intense headache and hears a loud noise, as if receiving an electric shock.

Someone who has never had to deal with this syndrome may be concerned. It is a condition that seems rather unusual. In fact, the phenomenon is relatively common, and it is usually accompanied by a feeling of panic that is hard to forget.

Exploding Head Syndrome is certainly not pleasant. On the other hand, it is neither a serious condition nor a neurological problem. The condition, on the other hand, has a lot to do with anxiety and stress.

With this article we want to make our readers more aware about this syndrome. The nighttime sleep of thousands of people is disturbed by it every day, so it is certainly a phenomenon that you have to take into account.

What is Exploding Head Syndrome?


Some people liken the syndrome to a bomb exploding. For others, it’s more like a heavy thump or electric shock, somewhat like a lightning strike.

During the first stage of sleep, this sound is heard in the patient’s head, without him or her knowing why. Imagine you are sleeping peacefully, and suddenly you hear an infernal noise that wakes you up. As if that weren’t enough, this noise is also accompanied by an intense headache and the feeling of seeing light in the corner of your eye.

The first thing these patients think is that they are dreaming or that they have gone insane. However, neither is it.

A strange but frequent sleep problem

This problem was first described in 1876. Dr. Silas Mitchell wrote about the cases of 50 patients in a medical journal.

The syndrome is more common in women. In addition, it is important to know that there are people who experience it only once in their life. However, other patients suffer from it on a daily basis.

There is another special detail that we must emphasize. Because the patients hear a sound that is not from outside their body, but rather an auditory hallucination, many people decide not to say anything about it. They are afraid of being labeled insane.

Therefore, there could be many more people who suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome, but who are still undiagnosed.

What are the causes of Exploding Head Syndrome?

As mentioned before, we are talking about a sleeping problem. It is in no way a neurological or psychological disorder.

So far, there are a few different theories about what may cause Exploding Head Syndrome. You can read more about it below.

Stress and Anxiety


Apparently this is the most popular consensus. Your brain disconnects the “conscious part” of your mind to fall into a deep sleep. Then an electric shock suddenly interrupts your neuronal activity.

When you go through periods of intense stress, your brain is hyperactive. This excitement is so excessive that you don’t lose the ‘energy’ when you are sleeping because there is too much brain activity.

Therefore, your neuronal activity responds with a sudden shock (much like a sharp pain or electric shock) that stimulates you in several ways, both auditory and visual. That is why you hear noise and see light.

sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis is another sleep disorder that could be related to this syndrome. Some scientists have proposed theories that explain the link between the two conditions. In both cases, the person experiences a panicky, alarmed feeling, as well as visual and auditory hallucinations.

A problem with your inner ear

The latest theory about this condition has to do with a possible problem with your inner ear, specifically in the Eustachian tube.

There may be a minor change, wound, or inflammation that causes auditory hallucinations and headaches. However, this theory does not explain the light patients also see when they wake up.

Treatments for Exploding Head Syndrome

Any sleep problem affects your quality of life. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult your doctor in case of any irregularity, inconvenience or unusual situation that you experience.

As we mentioned earlier, there are many people who do not dare to talk about their symptoms, out of fear or shame. Then they think, “How do I tell my doctor I’m waking up in the middle of the night when I hear things that aren’t real and see light in the corner of my eye?”

Do not be afraid. Many people suffer from this problem and it is treatable. The drugs on the market (certain types of antidepressants) work just fine. In addition, techniques that help your muscles and mind relax. They are of course also very useful.

In any case, we urge you to talk about it: your doctor can certainly help you!

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