Exercises That Relieve Pain In Your Shoulder

Do you suffer from shoulder pain? Learn 11 great exercises here that will help you and ease the pain.
Exercises That Relieve Shoulder Pain

Spending a lot of time in front of the computer, sleeping on your side, or other causes can lead to shoulder pain. This pain can radiate to your neck and back.

In addition to applying heat and ice to reduce inflammation, we also recommend these effective exercises. 

11 exercises that will help you get rid of shoulder pain

Daily exercises are essential to relieve shoulder pain and improve flexibility.

In addition to resting during your sleep and at certain times during the day (don’t stay in the same position for hours),  you can strengthen your muscles and improve your posture with this routine. 


  • The exercises should  be performed carefully and controlled after a warm-up. 
  • After that, it is important to properly stretch your shoulder area to stimulate good blood flow.
  • Properly executed movements will prevent injuries and pain. 

A good routine can include:

1. Warm up

Before you start, you can warm up in this way:

  • Place your hand on the back of a chair.
  • Take two steps back so that your arm is straight. Let your other arm hang.
  • Make circular movements for 2 minutes. 
  • Switch arms and repeat.

2. Stretch the upper arms

  • Bring your right hand to your left shoulder.
  • With your left hand, grab your right elbow and lift it toward your face as far as you can. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to your starting position.
  • Repeat 5 times and then switch to the other arm. 

3. Lateral Stretch

  • This stretch starts like the previous one, but you apply pressure to the side.
  • Your hand goes past your shoulder and your arm is slightly bent.
  • Repeat  5 times on each side. 

4. Posterior Stretch

  • To do this stretch, you need to stretch your hand back and touch the door frame or wall.
  • Take a few steps forward so that your arm is fully extended.
  • Push for 5 seconds and rest.
  • Do 5 reps and then switch to the other arm. 

5. Combined Stretch

For this stretch you need an elastic or a stretching fabric.

  • Grab one side with your right hand and bring it behind your head. Your elbow should bend.
  • Move your left hand to your waist and grab the other side of the elastic.
  • When both hands are on one side, stretch the top of your arm toward the ceiling and the bottom toward the floor.
  • Hold for about 30 seconds, rest and repeat 5 times. 

6. Lying Stretch

  • Lie on your bed or on a mat with your legs straight.
  • Grab your right wrist with your left hand and move your arms up and down.
  • When you pass your face, extend your right arm as well and try to hold this pose for a few seconds.
  • Then repeat with your other arm.

7. Butterfly Stretch

  • Lie down with your hands around your neck and your elbows up.
  • Open your arms out to the side and try to touch the floor with your elbows.
  • Repeat this five times. 

Shoulder Exercises

When you’re done stretching, it’s time to strengthen the  shoulders to relieve shoulder pain. This is ideal for people with tendonitis.

1. Vertical Pushups

Since regular pushups can be tough if you’re experiencing shoulder pain, here’s a more gentle option that will help strengthen them.

  • Stand in front of the wall, far enough away that you can place your palms on the wall with your arms extended. 
  • Next, bring your torso forward and lift your heels off the floor. Your elbows will bend and your shoulders will lift.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds and then return to the starting pose.
  • Repeat 10 times.

2. Shoulder Lift

This exercise is also done standing in front of the wall.

  • Place your palms against the wall and step back until your arms are straight.
  • Raise your arms a little bit without taking your hands off the wall, as high as you can. Your goal is to get your  shoulders to ear level.
  • Lower your arms little by little.
  • Repeat 5 times. 

3. Dumbbell Exercises

You can do this exercise without weights and later when you get stronger you can add weight. 

  • For the  first exercise, lie on your stomach on a couch or bed. 
  • Raise one arm in the air.
  • Grab the dumbell and bring your straight arm up and down.
  • Repeat 10 times and then switch. 

The second is similar, only in a sitting position.

  • The arm that raises and lowers the weight should be parallel to the ground.
  • Repeat 10 times on each side. 

4. Exercises with sticks

For example, you can use a broomstick.

  • Stand with your back straight and your legs slightly bent.
  • Hold the stick with both hands on one side.
  • Move your arms to each side and  stretch as far as you can.
  • You can also do this with your arms stretched out behind you (but still hold the cane).

You can also make circular movements while holding the stick.

  • Then bring it above your head and back to your stomach.
  • Repeat clockwise. 

Another effective exercise is to bring your arms  above your head and let the stick go from side to side. 

Try these exercises and stretches!

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