Everything You Need To Know About Bursitis

While there are natural remedies that can help relieve inflammation and pain, in the case of bursitis, it’s important that you see a specialist first to get a medical diagnosis.
Everything you need to know about bursitis

The human body is very susceptible to localized inflammation that can be caused by several factors. A clear example of this is bursitis, also known as bursitis mentioned. This is an unpleasant and painful condition that is much more common than people think.


A bursa is also called a bursa and is a fluid-filled cushion. These pads are located in different parts of the body.

Although these pads are very small, their main function is extremely important. They prevent friction between bone ends. As a result, they help to prevent diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

  • In simpler terms, a bursa serves as a kind of protection for the bones.
  • A condition related to bursa is bursitis. This is a condition that few people are aware of, but is actually quite common.

What is bursitis?

Medical drawing of bursitis

The term itself gives it away, because we speak of bursitis when a bursa becomes inflamed. It can also refer to irritation of a bursa.

This condition tends to negatively affect the joints, such as the:

  • ankle joints
  • Elbows
  • Wrists
  • shoulders
  • Knees
  • Beaks
  • Knuckles (both in the hands and feet)

Types of Bursitis

While this condition may seem like a simple problem, bursitis can be divided into two main types:

Acute bursitis

  • Acute bursitis is characterized by red discoloration of the skin and a slightly higher temperature relative to the rest of the body.
  • Normally in this case there is an infection.

Chronic Bursitis

  • Chronic bursitis is no different from acute. We actually speak of chronic bursitis when acute bursitis lasts for a very long time.
  • In this case, the pain and redness are much more pronounced.
  • As for the possible causes, this type can be due to previous joint injuries.

Causes of bursitis

Man who suffers from bursitis

Almost anyone can suffer from bursitis. Although older people are more often affected by it than young people.

The main cause of this condition is overload, or rather, the repeated movement of a joint in the same way.

Therefore, people who practice certain repetitive activities are also often affected. This puts many different people, from swimmers to carpenters, at increased risk of developing bursitis.

However, in some cases this condition can also be caused by direct injuries or certain diseases, such as gout.

How can you recognize bursitis?

It is not so difficult to recognize this condition and even less difficult when it comes to a person who regularly puts stress on one or more of their joints by performing repetitive movements.

While the symptoms depend on where the problem occurs, the main ones are:

  • Stiffness
  • Sensitivity around the affected joint
  • Swelling
  • redness
  • joint pain
  • Fever (in more severe cases)

What can you do?

The pain, inflammation and discomfort make us look for remedies of any kind. However, the most sensible thing to do would be to seek medical attention first.

Once you have received an official diagnosis, it is important to follow the recommendations literally.

Then you can start looking at various natural remedies to complement the medical treatment.

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar to naturally treat bursitis

Apple cider vinegar is considered the father of natural remedies for bursitis because of the amazing properties it has.

In addition, it helps to inhibit inflammation and provide the body with proteins.


  • ½ cup apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

Preparation and application

  • Mix the apple cider vinegar and honey together in a bowl.
  • Then soak a towel or absorbent cloth in the mixture.
  • Then apply this cloth to the affected area and let it do its work for fifteen minutes.


Ginger tea to naturally treat bursitis

Ginger stands out from other natural remedies for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, it also helps to promote blood circulation which is directly related to bursitis.


  • 3 tablespoons grated ginger (30 g)
  • ½ cup hot water (125 ml)

Preparation and application

  • You can grate the ginger yourself or buy grated ginger at the store.
  • Wrap the grated ginger in a gauze or cloth (not too thin and not too thick) and then submerge it in hot water.
  • Wait a few minutes for the cloth or gauze to soak up the water.
  • Then apply the cloth or gauze to the affected area. Just make sure you don’t burn yourself.
  • Let the ginger do its work for fifteen to twenty minutes.

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