Environmentally Friendly Glass Cleaners: Five Home Recipes

Environmentally friendly glass cleaners are just as effective as chemicals. In addition, they have these advantages: they do not damage the environment and do not endanger our health.

Glass cleaning products ensure that the glassware remains disinfected and free of dust. But not all glass cleaners are environmentally friendly.

Usually they are made from chemical ingredients that remove the dust particles. But those chemicals build up and strip the glass of its shine without damaging the surface.

Environmentally friendly glass cleaners almost magically remove the dust stains. It also ensures that the glassware retains its shine as if it were new.

Yet many commercial products are very expensive. In addition, their components are aggressive and can cause environmental problems and allergic reactions.

Some people don’t even know that there are environmentally friendly ways to make glass cleaners with natural ingredients.

Today we introduce you to five interesting possibilities. You can try them out to clean the glassware at home.

Five home recipes for environmentally friendly glass cleaners

1. Vinegar and Citrus Fruits

Here we combine the disinfecting properties of white vinegar with the natural oils from citrus peel. This is how we make an alternative, cheap and environmentally friendly glass cleaner.

This product contains natural active ingredients. These elements remove the dust particles left behind and also create a filter against micro-organisms.


  • the zest of two lemons or oranges
  • 1/2 cup white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1/2 glass of water (10 ml)


  • glass bottle with cap
  • atomizer
  • soft cloth


  • First cut the citrus peel into small pieces and put it in the glass bottle. Then add the vinegar.
  • Close the bottle and then leave it in a dark place for ten to twelve days.
  • Then filter the liquid with a sieve and pour the result into an atomizer.
  • Then add half a glass of water and shake it before use.

How do you use this remedy?

  • Spray the glass cleaner over the surface you want to clean. Then remove it with a soft cloth.

2. Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar

Lemon and apple cider vinegar are both on the list of environmentally friendly ingredients that you can use to clean and disinfect.

In this case we combine the two ingredients into one product. In this way we make a perfect ally to clean the glassware impeccably.


  • the juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar (125 ml)


  • atomizer


  • Squeeze the lemon and then mix the lemon juice with the apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.

How do you use this glass cleaner?

  • Spray the product on the glassware. Then wipe it off with a clean soft cloth.

3. Cornstarch

Apply cornstarch to glass surfaces. Because it helps to make the dull appearance due to dust disappear.


  • 2 cups of water (500ml)
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (8 g)


  • a deep bowl
  • soft cloth
  • a wad of newspaper


  • Heat the water and then add the cornstarch.
  • Make sure that the starch is completely dissolved before using the product.

How do you use this remedy?

  • First, rub the product over the glassware you want to clean. Then let it work until it dries.
  • Once it has dried, remove it by buffing the surface with a wad of newspaper.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda acts as an abrasive. This means that it makes cleaning glassware and mirrors easier.

Because this product disinfects the surfaces and removes dust stains.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda


  • atomizer
  • cotton cloth


  • Warm up the water first. Then mix it with the baking soda.
  • Then pour the product into an atomizer and shake well.

How do you use this remedy?

  • Spray the liquid on the objects you want to brush. Then dry them with a cotton cloth.

5. White vinegar



White vinegar has the ability to remove dust and stains. Thanks to these properties, it can also be used on its own to polish glassware.


  • 1/2 cup white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • atomizer
  • wad of newsprint


  • Dissolve the white vinegar in a cup of lukewarm water. Then pour it into an atomizer.

How do you use this remedy?

  • First spray the necessary amount on the glassware. Then let it soak in for a few minutes.
  • Then buff the surface with a wad of newspaper until it looks flawless.

So you see that it is very easy to make your own glass cleaner. In addition, you do not need expensive or aggressive ingredients.

Choose the recipe that appeals to you the most. Use it as an eco-friendly alternative.

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