End Flabby Arms

Weak arms is a thorn in the side of many. Unfortunately, it is common after a certain age. Can you do something about it?
Put an end to flabby arms

After a certain age, and especially in women, the skin and muscles of the arms begin to slacken and droop. If you want to combat this problem with natural means, you will not only improve the appearance of your arms, but you will prevent sagging skin in general.

In this article, you can discover simple home remedies and a healthy diet to help you avoid saggy skin on the arms.

Eat protein against weak arms

Vegetable Proteins

Proteins are necessary for health and in this case they help to nourish the skin and muscles, among other things. If you don’t get enough protein, the muscles are more likely to be converted into fat.

It is important to provide healthy proteins that are easily digested and not to overuse them.

For example, a good way to get enough protein is to add a portion to every meal. Avoid less healthy protein sources such as red meat, sausage and dairy products that are high in fat.

Healthy alternatives

Opt for these healthy alternatives instead.

  • White meat:  ideal for shaping and toning.
  • Fish:  Oily fish and white fish are high in protein, although white fish is lower in fat, making it a good option for the main meal.
  • Eggs:  The white contains the most protein and the yolk the most fat.
  • Milk and dairy:  The healthiest and lightest dairy products are goat’s cheese and cottage cheese, especially if the latter is also made from goat’s milk.
  • Legumes:  Legumes are cheap and contain a lot of vegetable protein. Prepare them with a little cumin and kombu seaweed, so they are easier to digest. You can also make it into a creamy soup for dinner. To get enough protein, you can combine them with grains such as brown rice, oatmeal or quinoa.
  • Dried fruit:  healthy and delicious, and an ideal option for any time of the day. Do not exceed the recommended amount, a handful. Avoid the types that are fried or salted.

Clay to drain toxins

If a part of the body accumulates too much fat or fluid, it is often because it has problems with the elimination of toxic substances.

To properly drain toxins, i.e. through the pores making the skin firmer,  we recommend applying a clay mask at least once a week.

  • First mix the clay with enough water to form a paste that is easy to spread and does not drip.
  • Then apply it to the sagging skin of the limp arms and let it soak in until it dries.
  • Rinse it off with warm water and dry it well before applying a moisturizing cream.

Hydrate for firming

This step is fundamental to firm skin,  and we often forget about the arms until we notice the skin sagging.

You don’t have to spend money on expensive creams; you can use any natural moisturizing lotion that nourishes and moisturizes your arms. Try using almond, coconut, or olive oil.


To prevent the muscles from going slack, you need to train them. If you don’t use them regularly, they lose their sturdiness and skills.

You don’t have to lift weights. You can use a medium-weight object to do exercises at home, moving the arms in different directions.

Do this for five or ten minutes a day to strengthen your flabby arms and before you know it, you’ll see the sagging go  away.

Cold water

Cold water is great for toning muscles because it instantly improves blood flow.

  • Avoid showering with very hot water. 
  • Always end your shower with cold water, focusing on the arms.
  • Finally, wet your arms with cold water throughout the day.

With these simple steps you will speed up the toning process and you will immediately see that the skin becomes firmer.

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