Emotional Communication: Tips To Connect Better

Mastering the art of emotional communication will help others open up to you and feel closer to you and have more confidence in you. Coming to terms with your emotions means understanding the mechanisms that make us human and embracing them as part of a healthy life.
Emotional communication: tips to connect better

Have you ever felt so angry that you couldn’t even tell someone what you were thinking without bursting into anger? Do you have trouble getting your partner or children to understand clearly what you want to tell them? Emotional communication is a tricky issue for many of us.

We know that communication is what allows us to convey a message between two people. On paper it seems very simple. Yet a large part of the population goes through life without having mastered this process.

There are those who only listen to respond, those who use aggressive language, and those who are unable to understand non-verbal communication. After all, it’s not just about sending a sentence from a sender to a receiver.

As humans, we are emotional beings who reason. In fact, everything we do and think has a clear emotional component.

Knowing how to master, understand, and even enjoy these types of communicative acts will improve your relationships. In addition, you will perceive yourself as more competent, which in turn improves your self-esteem.

A woman talks to a group of people

Emotional Communication: How Can It Help Us?

In general, emotional communication is not just a practice that facilitates our relationships. In fact, it is also a tool that advertisers use.

Scientific studies, such as Dr Blair Kidwell at Ohio University, show that any campaign that can trigger an emotional response in consumers has a greater impact and increases sales.

In general, conveying your emotions well leaves an impression on the brain. In this sense, those who master emotional intelligence and know how to control what they feel to appropriately express what they think will reap remarkable benefits:

  • Preventing conflicts and misunderstandings. Emotional communication will allow us to assertively disagree with others without losing our nerve. Ultimately, this helps us to reach an agreement.
  • Establishing a better relationship with our interlocutor(s). The ability to communicate through emotions also creates more lasting bonds of trust.
  • It helps us to express what they feel with clarity and assertiveness.
  • Achieve a greater level of empathy with the person in front of us. Plus, it also helps us decipher their nonverbal language.
  • Talking about our emotions legitimizes our actions. In this case, it allows us to explain why they did certain things.
  • We feel better. Sometimes emotions like anger or frustration get buried when we don’t express what we’re feeling properly. Emotional communication is the bridge to achieve this.

How can you develop your emotional communication skills?

The first step to improving your emotional communication is understanding that emotions and thoughts occur at the same time.

In fact, this is exactly what psychologist Richard S. Lazarus emphasizes. For example, when we feel angry, it is common for the flow of our thoughts to move faster and in a disorganized way.

In addition, those thoughts are usually filtered through discomfort. So sometimes it’s not enough to prepare for what you’ll say when you’re faced with a difficult conversation. The first thing to do is understand what you are feeling. Then you will be able to assertively explain yourself.

Conscience and emotional regulation

You will not be able to give a speech or conference effectively if you feel a high or crippling level of anxiety. Also, you will not be able to resolve anything with your partner if you are trapped by contradiction, anger or fear.

The first step is to separate each emotion you feel one by one: acknowledge them, understand them, and channel them. Every emotion has a purpose that we must consider. Only when you have regulated every feeling and sensation can you explain yourself with clarity and certainty.

Empathy: understanding and respecting your reality

By practicing empathy, you will be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and then return to your own world, understanding someone else’s reality.

We should not contaminate ourselves with the emotions of others. It’s just about learning to read, intuition and understand what someone is going through, and to act on it.

Empathy requires observation and listening. Sometimes our gestures reveal realities that our words don’t say. Sometimes the tone of the voice says much more than the message itself. Notice, feel, read between the lines and respond, respectfully attuning to the other person’s emotional state.

The language of trust

Emotional communication has an anchor that holds it, makes it possible, and allows good information exchange. We’re talking about trust. To settle that with your interlocutor, consider the following:

  • Using an Empathetic Smile. Avoid forcing it. It’s about putting a smile on your face that radiates accessibility and positivity.
  • Nod your head. In this way, you are communicating to the other person that you understand and that you are paying attention to what he or she is saying.
  • An inviting look. Emotional communication is not possible without looking into the eyes of the person in front of you.
A man and a woman as silhouettes against sunset

Assertiveness: communicating effectively and respectfully

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate effectively, securely and respectfully. Thanks to this quality, the dialogue is more harmonious, we can come to a better understanding and solve problems.

Here are the basics:

  • Let go of all your negative thoughts.
  • Trust what you feel and what you want to say. Your truth, your needs and your ideas need to be heard.
  • Pay attention to what the other person is saying to you and listen actively and respectfully. Don’t be hijacked by your emotions.
  • Let a few seconds pass before you respond.
  • Be clear. Short messages are more direct and easier to understand.
  • Focus on the facts, not opinions.
  • Be calm and positive.

We can all develop our ability to convey our emotions. We just need to want and commit to change. Give it a try!

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