Eight Vegetables That Can Cause Allergies

A food allergy is nothing but an exaggerated immune response of the body against substances that can trigger a reaction.
Eight Vegetables That Can Cause Allergies

Food allergy is nothing but the body’s exaggerated immune response to substances that can trigger a reaction. This can occur with many foods. There are also vegetables that can cause allergies.

People who suffer from allergies to vegetables have an antibody called IgE that causes this reaction. This antibody can be produced at any time, even if the vegetable has previously been eaten without problem.

A 2015 study conducted in Spain, Alergológica, showed that 7.4 percent of people go to an allergist because they are allergic to pollen, fruits and vegetables.

The symptoms vary and are also of varying intensity. They can affect one or more organs of the body. These symptoms can occur if the person eats this type of food, whether it is natural or processed.

It’s important to remember that we don’t all react the same way to the different compounds in food. Every human body is different. What affects one person may not necessarily affect others.

Today in this article we will show you a list of vegetables that can cause allergies.

Eight Vegetables That Can Cause Allergies

1. Carrots


Believe it or not, carrots are one of the vegetables that can cause allergies. If you are allergic to pollen, chances are you are also allergic to carrots.

This is because of the structural similarity of their components. Pollen proteins are similar to those in carrots.

Those proteins in carrots don’t disappear even when we cook them. The substance responsible is an allergen that you inhale, which reacts with the root.

Most common symptoms include:

  • Anaphylaxis (difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, and loss of consciousness)
  • Higher heart rate
  • Fear
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness

These complaints appear soon after eating.

If not treated in time, these symptoms can lead to coma and, in rare cases, death.

Immediate medical help is therefore vital.

2. Sla

Lettuce is the food most closely related to lipid transfer protein syndrome. Consumption of this vegetable is a common cause of allergy.

Lettuce also sometimes causes anaphylaxis. In addition, caution is advised due to the various pathogenic bacteria on the leaves, which can also cause disease.

Even if you are not allergic to it, you should carefully disinfect it with boiled water or vinegar. This is necessary to completely kill these bacteria.

3. Celery


This is a vegetable that many people are allergic to, as it has a similar allergy to that of birch pollen. Raw or cooked celery can cause reactions ranging from dermatitis to anaphylaxis.

Also, eating this vegetable together with exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause the following complaints:

  • Stomach ache
  • Laryngeal Edema

The reactions of celery in humans have not been well studied. But if you experience the symptoms, it is recommended not to eat it anymore.

4. Spinach

An allergy to spinach is one of the most common allergies caused by vegetables . This vegetable is rich in histamine, a chemical that acts as a hormone and neurotransmitter in the body.

Histamine is released in large quantities during inflammatory processes, making it one of the main causes of allergies.

5. Onion


Onions contain a specific mineral (sulphur) that improves circulation.  But in the field of allergies, this mineral is one of the responsible culprits.

Onion allergy symptoms appear immediately and include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • stomach cramps
  • Skin rash (also from contact with the onion)
  • Inflammation of the airways
  • Anaphylaxis (in some cases)

6. Garlic

Although there are very few recorded cases of this allergy, it is possible. So if you experience symptoms after eating garlic, this may be to blame.

For some people, the symptoms are very mild, while for others they can be fatal.

The most common symptoms of an allergy to this vegetable include:

  • Skin irritation
  • Swelling of the tongue and (in some cases) the glottis
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Anaphylaxis

7. Spices


Pepper, mustard, curry, cumin and anise are also the cause of allergies for certain people.

These are a little more difficult to diagnose because they are often used in a mixture and there are few reliable tests.

Possible symptoms include:

  • rhinitis
  • Asthma (when inhaled)
  • Skin reactions (eczema on contact)
  • Conjunctivitis

If you do not consume these spices regularly and you do not know if you are really allergic to them, it is best to avoid them. You can also try it in very small quantities.

8. Asparagus

Asparagus belongs to the lily family along with onions and garlic.

A study on asparagus allergy found that people who came into contact with this vegetable, inhaled or consumed its substances, showed the following symptoms:

  • rhinitis
  • Bronchial asthma (when inhaled)
  • Hives (eczema on contact)
  • Anaphylaxis

Have you ever eaten this vegetable and experienced any of these symptoms? Then it is imperative that you visit a doctor immediately.

This way you can prevent the symptoms from getting worse. 

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