Eight Tricks To Disinfect Your Bedroom

To prevent micro-organisms from building up and developing unwanted allergies, you can naturally disinfect your bedroom with daily dusting and fight mites by washing your duvet cover, fitted sheet and blanket as often as possible.
Eight tricks to disinfect your bedroom

Your bedroom is the most important room in your house. This is where you retreat to rest and relax after you have completed all the tasks of the day. It is therefore important to properly disinfect your bedroom.

Sometimes, however, we do not maintain our bedroom well enough and little by little more and more junk is created. This makes our bedroom look untidy and dirty.

Even worse, however, is the accumulation of all kinds of mites and allergens that cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, they can cause several health problems. As a result, your sleep quality deteriorates and you may suffer from other disorders that only make your life more difficult.

Fortunately, with a few simple tricks, you can get your room spotless and completely free of microorganisms.

In this article, we share eight tips that you can apply to naturally disinfect and harmonize your bedroom. Try them yourself!

8 tricks to disinfect your bedroom

Make your bed every morning

Make your bed

While it is recommended to air your bed every now and then to combat mites, you can still make your bed afterwards to make your room look neater and cleaner. Shake out your blankets, duvet cover and pillow, then make your bed the way you like it best.

Change your duvet cover and fitted sheet as often as possible

To keep your bed clean, it is important to change your duvet cover and fitted sheet regularly. This also applies to your pillowcases, which you may want to change even more often.

Although you can’t see it, your duvet cover and fitted sheet are full of mites and bacteria. They can easily multiply with the help of sweat and dirt.

Clean and keep your blankets clean to disinfect your room and protect yourself from allergens.

Don’t keep too many things in and on your nightstand


When you clutter your nightstand with all kinds of things, it is more difficult to remove the dust and dirt that accumulate daily.

Use your nightstand to:

  • Set up a small light
  • Keep a hand cream in
  • Even to put a book on

However, if you use your nightstand for many more things, it will take longer to clean.

Clean your bedroom a little every day

If a lack of time makes it really impossible to clean your bedroom every day, try to set aside at least a few minutes a day to tidy up your room.

Whipping out your sheets or blanket, making the bed and cleaning the floor are all tasks that can be done fairly quickly to reduce the presence of allergens and disinfect the room naturally.

Disinfect your mattress


Strangely enough, the mattress you sleep on every night is one of the things you least consider. However, it is important to clean your mattress at least once a month. So that it does not become a breeding ground for micro-organisms.

To do this, you can make your own remedy from baking soda and tea tree oil, which is ideal for disinfecting your mattress in a natural way.


  • 125 grams or ½ cup baking soda
  • 10 drops of essential tea tree oil

How to make this remedy

  • Mix the baking soda with the tea tree oil and then sprinkle your mattress with this mixture.
  • Use a brush to rub it into your mattress.
  • Let it do its job for an hour and then run the vacuum cleaner over your mattress.

Dust off

Most things in your bedroom get dusty over time. Your bed, dressing table, chest of drawers and other decorative items should be cleaned constantly. To prevent the development of allergies.

To make sure you have completely removed all bacteria and mites, you can make a mixture of white wine vinegar and water. Use the mixture to dust and disinfect your room.

Don’t forget the curtains

Open Curtains

In most bedrooms there are curtains, whatever curtains. These are not only meant to make the room dark, but also to make the room look more beautiful.

The problem is that these curtains attract a lot of dust. That is why it is recommended to wash the curtains in your bedroom every two to three weeks.

A good option is to buy curtains made of silk. Silk is easier to wash and dries faster.

If you have roller blinds in your bedroom, it is important to use a natural product to disinfect and dust the curtains.

Wash your pillows

Most people forget that their pillows should be disinfected all the time to prevent the build-up of sweat, dead skin cells and allergens.

Although you always put a pillowcase around your pillow, your pillow still absorbs a lot of dirt. It will be the perfect breeding ground and living environment for micro-organisms.

So try to wash your pillows at least twice a year and change your pillowcase every two weeks.

Are you sure your bedroom is really clean? If you haven’t been using these recommendations for a long time, start setting aside a little time from now on to create the best environment to relax in.

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