Effective And Natural Remedies For Hypertension

In addition to a healthy weight and an active lifestyle, these natural hypertension remedies can help you control high blood pressure.
Effective and natural remedies for hypertension

Many people suffer from hypertension. Most of them are a bit older, but young people can also suffer from it. If you want to fight high blood pressure yourself, read on to learn about some natural remedies for hypertension.

What is hypertension?

With each beat of your heart, blood pumps through your arteries. When that pressure is higher than normal, we speak of hypertension or high blood pressure.

There are two measurements that play into determining whether your blood pressure is high:

  • The first is your systolic blood pressure — the blood pressure when your heart is pumping.
  • The other is your diastolic blood pressure, the pressure between each beat when your heart is at rest.

Normal blood pressure is between 120/80mm Hg. The first number is your systolic pressure and the second is your diastolic pressure. Hypertension generally has no symptoms, which means that a blood pressure monitor is the only reliable way to detect the condition.

The consequences of hypertension

Measuring bloodpressure

It is ideal for keeping your blood pressure within the normal range. After all, your body suffers from high blood pressure. Examples of the risks include damage to your heart, kidneys, and brain. Some of these consequences can be life-threatening if your hypertension is chronic.

Causes of hypertension

Certain factors can cause elevated blood pressure. Some are very closely linked to bad living habits, which you can happily change and improve:

  • overweight
  • Excessive use of alcohol
  • A high-salt diet
  • Taking certain medicines such as contraceptives or flu medicines
  • A sedentary lifestyle

Of course, genes also play a role. According to some studies, hypertension is even hereditary. Regardless of the cause, there are natural remedies for hypertension and you can still adjust your own lifestyle.

Natural remedies for hypertension



Garlic: spicy and good for high blood pressure. Some people eat one clove of garlic a day – that’s all you need. You can also incorporate garlic into your food for added flavor. You can also buy powdered garlic capsules in the store if you don’t like the taste.

Olive oil

Olive oil does a lot of good for your body and one example of this is keeping your circulatory system working properly. Olive oil has been proven to help lower bad cholesterol (LDL). Olive oil is also a natural source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are great for your health.

Dark chocolate


The higher the cocoa percentage, the better the chocolate is for you. And if you want to fight hypertension, we recommend that you take chocolate with at least 70% cocoa and do not add sugar. That’s because cocoa contains flavonoids. These are natural antioxidants that fight hypertension.


Oatmeal is known to lower cholesterol, and elevated cholesterol is, of course, directly associated with high blood pressure. For example, you can eat it for breakfast. If you have chronically high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol, try the following method:

  • Soak the oatmeal overnight.
  • The next morning, add milk or water and drink it all.



Did you know that apple peels contain flavonoids, just like dark chocolate? Peeled apples are excellent natural remedies for hypertension. This way you benefit from all the health benefits of the fruit. In most cases, most vitamins are in the skin of a fruit.

Smoothie with parsley and lemon

Parsley is a powerful diuretic. Why is that useful? Well, an overabundance of fluid in the body can promote high blood pressure. That is why we recommend preparing a smoothie with parsley and lemon. You also lose a possible surplus of salt through your urine.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons parsley (30 g)


  • First, cut the lemon into pieces without peeling it and put it in a blender along with the cup of water and the parsley.
  • Let this run for a few minutes.
  • Finally, strain the mixture and drink it on an empty stomach.


Pineapple’s diuretic properties make it one of the best choices for fighting hypertension.

  • Pineapple is good both in juice form and in slices.
  • We always recommend not adding sugar, as sugar can cause weight gain, which is a risk factor for high blood pressure. 

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