Eating Breakfast With The Right Food And Losing Weight At The Same Time

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, even if we are on a diet. Here we give you five different foods that will help you lose weight. At the same time, you also eat healthy.
Eating breakfast with the right nutrition and losing weight at the same time

Breakfast has always been considered the most important meal of the day. The reason is that breakfast provides the body with the necessary energy to wake up. Now that we’ve mentioned this, did you know that eating the right foods for breakfast can help you lose weight? Actually, it depends on the foods you combine. Because breakfast can be a key factor in the weight loss process.

When we eat a balanced diet and reduce body fat, the first food we eat after a period of fasting is very important.  In this way we will be able to choose our food correctly for the rest of the day.

At breakfast, we should take in between 25 and 35 percent of the calories we will burn throughout the day. This means that a balanced breakfast should contain between 400 and 450 calories of the 2000 that we should consume each day.

Scientists from the University of Missouri conducted a study. They came to the conclusion that eating breakfast with the right food increases the amount of the hormone ghrelin. It also raises levels of the brain chemicals associated with appetite. This gives us a feeling of satiety which lowers hunger and food cravings.

This is why eating a balanced breakfast can be beneficial in achieving ideal weight. This breakfast should contain many of the necessary nutrients. In addition, you should eat it in the appropriate portions.

Eating breakfast with the right nutrition and losing weight at the same time

A good breakfast for weight loss should have the following characteristics:

  • between 10 and 15 grams of fat
  • 25 grams of fiber
  • 13 to 20 grams of protein

Experts recommend adding vitamins, minerals and specific carbohydrates as well. Based on this starting point, we recommend that you have breakfast with the right food and therefore with foods that are essential for the body. They will help you lose weight and keep you feeling full.

1. Oatmeal

You can eat oatmeal as the first food in the morning. This is an excellent choice to take care of your figure. At the same time, you also eat a balanced breakfast.

This means that you eat breakfast cereals that are low in calories. Oatmeal also provides us with a large amount of B vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats. In turn, these provide the body with a significant amount of energy. This ensures a balanced physical and mental effort that we can sustain throughout the day.

Oatmeal consists of 25% protein. This is a vital element for the formation of muscle mass. In addition, oatmeal contains fiber called beta-glucan. These ingredients lower cholesterol and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Yet another fact is that oatmeal keeps sugar levels in the blood in check. It also has a purifying effect and removes the toxins that are trapped in the intestines. In addition, it also removes fat from the arteries.

2 eggs

Lose weight with your breakfast

Eggs are versatile. Their composition (they are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins) provide the body with a lot of energy. At the same time, they regulate appetite during the day and reduce the feeling of hunger.

In addition, eggs are fundamental if you want to follow a balanced diet. They actually help the body to maintain muscle mass during the period when you lose weight.

This food also contains a nutrient called choline. It is a component that stimulates brain activity and improves cardiovascular function. In fact, a study from the University of Eastern Finland has classified eggs as one of the foods that support memory and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Coffee

Coffee has several positive effects on the functioning of our brains. The condition is that we drink it in the first hours of the day. The most important aspect of coffee is that it improves our memory, mood and focus.

In addition, it contains a large amount of caffeine. This is why it is a key element in weight loss. Because it stimulates the functions of the nervous system. In turn, it will promote the elimination of adipose tissue.

4. Green tea

Green tea is a low-calorie drink. It is therefore an ideal drink for breakfast. Especially the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate provides the positive effects of green tea. Because it helps to:

  • to protect the heart
  • speed up metabolism
  • burn fat

An article was published in the  European Journal of Nutrition about an experiment conducted by a group of nutritionists. The study found that people who drink at least two cups of green tea a day have less body fat and a slimmer waist.

Breakfast with the right nutrition: green tea

5. Dried fruits

Dried fruit is an antioxidant food that contains minerals, healthy fats, protein and fiber. Thanks to these components, dried fruits are able to control the cholesterol level in the blood. In addition, they also help to provide the body with energy.

The advantage of dried fruit is also that it satisfies hunger.  But this food does contain a lot of calories. So you should eat it in moderation. Eat between 15 and 20 grams of dried fruit per day.

We see here that there are different possibilities to have breakfast with the right nutrition and lose weight in this way. Also remember that an important point of this process is that you maintain a balanced diet. If in doubt, consult a doctor or nutritionist.

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