Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

Did you know that many organs and parts of the body mainly consist of water? 75% of our muscles, 90% of the brain, 22% of the bones and 83% of our blood is made up of water. A glass of water on an empty stomach helps to remove toxins and lose weight.
Drinking water on an empty stomach

75% of the muscles, 90% of the brain, 22% of the bones and 83% of the blood are said to be water. If you think about these numbers, you will notice how essential it is for our body to take in enough water every day to stay healthy. For even better health results, it is even recommended to drink up to four glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Let’s find out in this article what exactly are the benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach.

Benefits of a glass of water on an empty stomach

You probably already know that the body needs a lot of water every day to stay hydrated and to function properly. This liquid contains countless health benefits that often go unnoticed. In reality, they are indispensable for all life on Earth.

You can boost your health by making it a habit to drink a glass of water every day on an empty stomach. Every organ in the body needs water to function properly and stay healthy. What could be better than drinking enough water in the morning? It helps to remove the accumulated toxins and waste from the body that can harm your health.

By immediately drinking a glass of water in the morning, we help the body get rid of waste and at the same time get the metabolism going.

However, this does not appear to be the only advantage. Water on an empty stomach also plays an important role in the body’s temperature regulation, hydration of major organs, absorption of nutrients and oxygenation of cells throughout the body.

An additional benefit that we all like to take advantage of is that drinking water on an empty stomach can also promote weight loss, because it makes you feel satisfied, so you don’t eat more than necessary.

How do you drink water the right way?

It is important to know how to drink water properly to provide your body with all the benefits of this drink. Nutrition experts recommend drinking at least two liters a day, of which four glasses early in the morning.

However, try not to drink all the water immediately and quickly. That can negate the positive effects of drinking water. To enjoy all the health-promoting effects, drink the water in slow, thoughtful sips throughout the day.

Drinking water on an empty stomach is a habit that you can learn over time. Ideal would be to drink water about an hour before breakfast.

Make sure the water you drink during the day is free of fluoride, lime and other chemicals. Keep the water at room temperature or slightly chilled, but not ice cold. You can increase the moisturizing effect for your body by adding a splash of lemon juice to the water.

water therapy

Drinking water on an empty stomach is very popular in Japan. It is believed in the many benefits of water therapy as described and approved by the Japanese Medical Association JMA.

Their studies would have shown that water can be used preventively against diseases. Water can also be helpful in many ailments, including:

  • chronic headache
  • heart and vascular disease
  • arthritis
  • epilepsy
  • obesity
  • bronchitis
  • asthma
  • tuberculosis
  • kidney and urinary problems
  • vomit
  • gastritis
  • diarrhea
  • hemorrhoids
  • diabetes
  • constipation
  • eye disorders
  • menstrual problems
  • nose, throat and ear disorders

What does Japanese water therapy involve?

  • Immediately after getting up, drink four glasses of water before brushing your teeth, drinking tea and breakfast. Drink the water slowly and take a short break between each glass.
  • Then brush your teeth and take a short break of 45 minutes before you start breakfast.
  • Do not eat anything after breakfast for two hours.
  • If you do not immediately succeed in drinking four glasses of water before breakfast, start the therapy with a glass or two and gradually build up to four glasses.

The Effects of Water Therapy

The rather large amount of water before breakfast ensures the elimination of toxins from the body. This water therapy normally has no adverse side effects. However, some people may experience the same symptoms that occur when starting a detox, such as mild dizziness, headache, mild nausea and diarrhea. Also, never overdo it, because too much water can even be deadly.

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