Discover The Symptoms Of Visual Stress

Do your eyes feel tired and irritated? Do you suffer from blurred vision? You could be suffering from visual stress. Learn more about it in this article.
Discover the symptoms of visual stress

Continuous exposure to electronic screens, UV rays from the sun and environmental toxins are the reasons why more and more cases of visual stress or asthenia are occurring.

This condition is characterized by the annoying feeling of tiredness in the eyes. It is also associated with blurred vision, problems maintaining focus and, in some cases, irritation.

80% of people who work with computers suffer from it at least once in their life. It is also common among people who strain their eyes in places with poor lighting.

However, the most worrisome part is that many people ignore their symptoms. Despite the discomfort, they do not seek timely and appropriate treatment.

For this reason, it is essential to know how eye stress occurs in its early stages. After identifying it, consult a specialist.

1. Dry eyes

Visual stress and dry eyes

Dry eyes are an annoying symptom that, if left untreated, can lead to pain and vision problems.

This condition is caused by the lack of fluids in the lachrymal, a small bone in the eye socket that is responsible for protecting and moisturizing the eyes.

This leads to an irritating itching and stinging sensation, similar to the feeling of a dust in the eye.

While it is a common symptom of exposure to polluted environments, it can also occur from stress.

2. Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes is a response that indicates a decrease in tear production.

It occurs along with irritation in the eyes. In addition, it usually increases when the eyes are strained.

3. Dizziness

visual stress

Visual stress is associated with certain cases of dizziness and lack of coordination. As a result of excessive eye strain, your energy decreases and fatigue increases.

In this particular case, it is accompanied by confusion and strong headaches, as well as an unhealthy pale appearance and weakness in the limbs.

4. Tearing Eyes

While some cases of visual stress cause eye dryness, there are other conditions that cause constant tearing as a result of the effort your eyes have to put in.

This symptom is usually caused by the presence of environmental particles and substances that reach the surface of the eyes. However, sometimes it is a sign of a visual problem.

When this condition occurs, it is necessary to see a specialist so that they can determine whether it is caused by stress, trauma or an eye condition.

5. Migraines

tension headache

Severe headaches such as migraines can be a clear sign of eye strain and fatigue.

This reaction is caused by stress and circulation problems that occur from work overload, even if it goes unnoticed.

In these cases, it is essential to analyze the presence of other symptoms. This is because this condition can also occur due to many other reasons.

6. Light Sensitivity

People who spend too many hours in front of their computers often suffer from recurring episodes of sensitivity to light.

This is due to the stress that the eyes experience from the lighting of the electronic screens. This, in turn, affects blood circulation and moistening of the eyes.

This also relates to a condition known as photophobia, which can lead to trauma to the cornea in addition to stress.

7. Conjunctivitis

Dry eyes

Spending long hours behind the scenes of electronic devices increases the risk of conjunctivitis.

This condition occurs when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed due to the excess work the eyes are exposed to.

However, it should be noted that in most cases this condition is caused by viruses, bacteria and environmental toxins.

8. Blurred vision

Blurred vision and difficulty seeing small details are a worrisome sign of both eye strain and conditions related to blindness.

If you experience this symptom, it is necessary to consult a specialist. This is because it is one of the first signs of visual disorders that require additional treatment.

Usually it is accompanied by a migraine, fatigue and other symptoms mentioned above.

Final tips for visual stress:

  • To avoid all the symptoms of visual stress, it is essential to take breaks during the day.
  • If possible, do eye exercises several times a day.
  • We also recommend getting a good night’s sleep, as rest is necessary to maintain visual health.
  • Ideally, you should have your eyes tested regularly. Keep in mind that these symptoms can sometimes be an indication of other conditions. 

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