Discover All The Good Things Life Has In Store For You

Our life is full of positive and negative events. However, you should try to focus on the positive and leave the negative behind.

With what attitude did you leave your house today?

We may not be able to control what will and will not happen to us, but we can try to see everything as positively as possible: with courage and self-confidence.

Remember this. Every day you choose what clothes to wear, how to wear your hair and what to eat for breakfast. But why don’t we also choose to see everything more positively? To wear a shield of courage and optimism and give the best of ourselves?

You can see this proposal as purely spiritual combined with positive psychology, but it’s really worth going into more detail. We’re actually talking about ‘programming our brains’ here, or  learning to think differently to enable our emotions to make a change in our lives. We explain to you how this works.

I commit myself to give the best of myself in discovering all the good there is in the world


It is certainly true that some people handle certain situations better. This may be because they have discovered strategies to focus on psychology, but the main reason remains that some people have a natural predisposition to resilience. This allows them to deal with difficult situations in a more positive way.

Of course, no one is immune to dark days when we feel surrounded by negativity, but there are ways to change our attitude towards dark days. We open up more emotionally and psychologically to good things. We suggest to think about the following aspects.

In the first place: take into account your own possibilities

You have certainly experienced the following situation: two people react completely differently to the same event. How is this possible?

  • Personality, experience, our emotions and our way of thinking make it easier or harder to process certain things. Each person reacts in his or her own way, depending on his or her dimensions.
  • What happens around us is one thing, how we deal with it another.
  • We all need to consider our own capabilities, strengths and values.
  • We are all stronger than we think. The bottom line is that, believe it or not, our brain is programmed to survive.
  • This means that each of us has a certain resilience. We can learn from setbacks for when we face them again. The problem is that sometimes we don’t value ourselves enough.
  • With a good dose of self-esteem and a lot of confidence, we can show our skills and see  for ourselves all the good we have in us.

Neuro-linguistic programming: how to organize our brains


You’ve probably heard of neurolinguistic programming. This personal development and psychotherapeutic strategy focuses on something very concrete: going from point A (the current situation) to point B (the desired situation).

In this case, we aim to change our minds. We want to discover all the good that is around our life and enjoy it to the fullest. We want to deal more intuitively with the opportunities presented to us.

In other words, we want to look for what can enrich us personally and emotionally. To achieve this goal, we can use several strategies:

Learn to measure your feelings

If you start to feel like you’re feeling fear and negativity, try to turn this into something positive. Get rid of the negative focus. This will be difficult at first, but will get easier over time.

The anchor is another interesting technique

It tries to draw our attention to a stimulus that anchors us. Every time we feel a negative feeling coming up, our thoughts have to go to a ‘life buoy’.

For example: I don’t think I’m going to get through my day today. If my memory can then focus on the calm sea, I want to go back to my vacation time and I become more motivated to work again.

To discover all the good, ignore all the negative in life

Woman among Flowers

A little reflection exercise. Ask yourself where the thing that upsets you is coming from. Also ask yourself what hurts and what could make it worse.

  • It is possible that there are people around you who bring more trouble than peace.
  • You may also need to change. For example, there may be negative memories from our lives that we can eliminate to feel better.
  • But there may also be aspects of yourself that you need to work on: insecurities, overemphasizing something, anticipating negative thingsā€¦ Definitely think about this.

So we can conclude that it is not always easy to record everything correctly. Believing that happiness smiles at us every day takes a little effort. Anyway, believe it or not, all you need to do is change your attitude.

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