Delicious Low-fat Cinnamon Ice Cream To Make Yourself

Even if you don’t think it’s possible, you can make delicious low-fat cinnamon ice cream. We’ll show you with this recipe, which is sure to impress.
Delicious low-fat cinnamon ice cream to make yourself

Don’t worry, you definitely won’t regret trying this low-fat cinnamon ice cream recipe. In fact, we think you’ll really enjoy it. You will also learn the difference between fruity and creamy ice cream and how it affects your body. Prepare yourself for a delicious taste, excellent nutritional value and some important information.

Low-fat cinnamon ice cream

The first thing to keep in mind is that good ice cream doesn’t have to be high in calories or fat. It’s actually the opposite. You can get the most out of fruit by using it in a practical way.

In general, there are many myths and half information about desserts or sugary dishes. For this cinnamon ice cream recipe, learn that it’s not all negative. A lot of it is even good for your body.


  • 500 ml oat milk
  • 360 ml low-fat cream
  • 30 ml vanilla extract
  • 8 egg yolks
  • 60 grams of brown sugar
  • 60 grams of cinnamon powder
  • 2 cinnamon sticks


  • First, put the oat milk, some of the cream and the cinnamon powder in a pan and heat over low heat.
  • Beat the egg yolks in another pan and add the sugar. Heat this mixture on low heat as well.
  • Add the rest of the cream.
  • When the ingredients are ready, remove them from the heat and let it stand.
  • Immediately after this, add the egg mixture to the milk mixture and heat it again. Let it cook for about five minutes.
  • Finally, add the cinnamon sticks and let the mixture cool to room temperature. Then put it in the freezer.
  • Keep it in the freezer for at least four hours before eating.

Now you have delicious low-fat cinnamon ice cream with healthy ingredients!

Ice cream with cinnamon, banana and lemon

A bowl of homemade ice cream

Another aspect that you cannot ignore is the effect of sugar on the body. This is especially true for desserts and candies. In many cases , the commercial products you eat are full of sugar. To break this vicious circle when it comes to ice cream, try this healthy alternative.


  • 800 grams of bananas (about 3 pieces)
  • 370 ml coconut milk
  • 30 ml coconut oil
  • 30 grams of cinnamon powder
  • 8 grams lemon zest


  • It’s best to start this recipe in the evening for the best flavor.
  • First, peel and slice the bananas, and put them in an airtight container before putting them in the freezer.
  • Place the coconut milk in the fridge overnight.
  • The next day, remove the pulp from the coconut milk with a spoon. Make sure you don’t get it too wet, as that will affect the creaminess.
  • Place the pulp in a blender until it has a creamy texture.
  • Now do the same with the bananas, coconut oil, cinnamon and lemon zest.
  • You should now have the consistency of ice cream. Now all you have to do is pour it into a glass or bowl.
  • However, if it is still too thin for your taste, just put it in a sealed container in the freezer for half an hour and it will thicken.

Give these recipes a try for a family dinner or just when you feel like it, we’re sure you’ll love it!

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