Decorative Air Fresheners That You Can Make Yourself

You can brighten up your home with a decorative air freshener that you also made yourself. Here are three great ideas.
Decorative air fresheners that you can make yourself

Today we’re going to show you some ways you can make some decorative air fresheners yourself to suit your personal taste. This way you will immediately be able to smell the nice scent of your home when you step inside.

It is good to know that the aromas we smell every day have a direct influence on our mood. This is because the nose is in direct connection with our memory and emotions. Therefore, some scents remind us of people, situations or locations.

Diffusion of the scents that bring us back to certain situations can have a positive influence on our mood and relaxation. The best thing about this is that you can make these air fresheners yourself, using very simple materials.

Natural Decorative Air Fresheners

natural decorative air fresheners

It is very important to remember not to use any chemical products. Many of these substances can cause allergies or injuries. Especially for people who are sensitive to these chemicals.

1. Gel Air Fresheners

This decorative air freshener can be placed in the corner of your house, for example in a cupboard or on a table. This design looks nice and doesn’t take up much space. Put it where you like it and you’re done! You can also choose the color that you like. 

The aroma of this air freshener will last for about a month. At high temperatures, however, the smell will disappear a bit faster. 


  • neutral gelatin
  • pigment
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 480ml water
  • glass mold
  • fragrance oil

How you make it

  • Boil half the water first.
  • Then add the tablespoon of salt.
  • Then add the packet of gelatin.
  • Stir everything together well.
  • When everything is well mixed, add the rest of the water and remove the pan from the heat.
  • Then add 5 drops of food coloring to your glass mold.
  • Pour the gelatin mixture into the mold and stir everything well so that the mixture gets the right color.
  • Add 20 drops of fragrance oil and stir everything well again.
  • Finally, let it cool in the fridge for 12 hours.
  • Then you can use your air freshener to decorate your home.
  • Enjoy the aromas!

2. Decorative Lemon Air Fresheners

decorative lemon air fresheners

Decorative lemon scented air fresheners are fantastic, as lemon has a nice and fresh scent. It also helps fight bad smells as lemon is a powerful disinfectant. This scent also neutralizes the unpleasant odors of humidity, tobacco and stuffiness.

You can make this air freshener yourself with just a few ingredients. The best thing about this air freshener is that it retains its scent the longest of all the air fresheners we discuss.


  • lemon peel
  • half a cup of 96% alcohol
  • essential lemon oil
  • 8 wooden sticks
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • small decorative glass bottle

How you make it

  • Put the lemon zest in the glass bottle first. 
  • Then fill three quarters of the bottle with the alcohol.
  • Then add the water.
  • Then pour 10 drops of the essential lemon oil into the bottle. 
  • Also put the wooden sticks in the bottle.
  • Finally, turn the sticks over so you can enjoy the aroma. 

3. Dried and colored balls

This air freshener is beautiful and you can make it in the way that best suits your taste. For example, you can choose the scent and color of these balls yourself. This makes this air freshener the perfect decoration!

You just need some small, dried balls to use as the air freshener. The aromatic effect will last for a while. 


  • 20 dried air freshener balls
  • 300ml water
  • paint for glycerin soap
  • 2 ml perfume or essential oil of your choice
  • glass jar with a wide neck
  • 1 wooden stick
  • paper towels
  • a small decorative bowl

How you make it

  • Fill the glass jar with approximately 300 ml of water.
  • Then add the perfume or essential oil.
  • Then add the paint to this mixture. The quantity depends on the color you want.
  • Stir everything well with the wooden stick.
  • Then add the balls and stir well again.
  • Let everything soak for 24 hours. 
  • Then take the balls out of the water and let them dry on some paper towels.
  • Place the balls in a decorative dish. 

These decorative air fresheners will completely change the aromas in your home. This way you can give your house the scent that you like. In addition, you can make these air fresheners in different shapes, which ensures that these are beautiful decorations.

Choose the option you like best and enjoy!

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