Coconut Water For Treating Hypothyroidism

Did you know that coconut water is an excellent way to stimulate an underactive thyroid and treat hypothyroidism? Learn more in this article.
Coconut Water For Treating Hypothyroidism

Do you suffer from hypothyroidism ? Have you ever heard of the benefits of coconut water for this disease?

It is certainly a common disease, usually requiring patients to undergo long-term treatment and take medications to correct their thyroid problems. It is a type of autoimmune disease, which almost always requires a lifestyle change in addition to lifelong medication.

So is it possible to cure hypothyroidism? Sometimes patients eventually manage to trick their thyroid into producing enough thyroid hormones for it to function properly.

It requires a lot of effort, motivation and the ability to combine their prescribed treatment regimen with changes in their daily activities. For example, did you know that coconut water is an excellent way to stimulate an underactive thyroid?

So find out everything you need to know in this article.

The many benefits of coconut water for the thyroid

If you have hypothyroidism, you are likely to experience many of the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitivity to cold, always having cold hands and feet
  • Nearly constant fatigue
  • muscle aches
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Constipation

All of these problems are almost certainly due to your thyroid not producing enough thyroid hormones to regulate basic functions so that you can live a normal life.

To counteract these effects and get your thyroid to work normally again, you need to take medication that is right for you.  Your doctor has probably already prescribed it for you.

However, many people get frustrated when they don’t see immediate results and they may continue to suffer from the side effects we mentioned above, such as weight gain and fatigue, which make a normal lifestyle impossible for a while.

What can you do? What if you can’t get rid of those extra pounds no matter how much you exercise and what if vitamin supplements don’t seem to help at all… Well? Try adding coconut water to your diet.

 1. Helps Regulate Thyroid Function

One of the best things about coconut water and even coconut oil is that it seems to help regulate thyroid function. The natural enzymes stimulate the production of an underactive thyroid and if your thyroid is too active, coconut water can also help regulate this.

Coconut water is usually recommended for people with hypothyroidism as it is helpful in controlling weight gain and regulating the gut and digestion.

2. Helps strengthen the immune system

coconut water

Coconut water is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. All of these minerals can help you avoid infections that you would otherwise succumb to due to a lack of thyroid hormone.

Coconut water also helps speed up your metabolism, meaning you’ll be more resistant to fatigue and feel stronger, while boosting your natural defenses.

3. Fights Cellular Oxidation

If you suffer from hypothyroidism, your cells are oxidized more quickly due to the lack of hormones. This makes it harder for your body to process food, your skin becomes drier and less elastic, you start to suffer from liver problems and much more.

Combining your prescription medication with coconut water will increase the antioxidant content in your body, thus helping you synthesize thyroid hormones more efficiently. So it is worth remembering this.

4. Keeps you hydrated


Dry skin, fatigue, headaches… All these symptoms are the result of the altered function of your thyroid gland, which can inhibit other basic bodily functions. Trying to drink 2-3 glasses of coconut water a day will give your body the hydration it needs.

5. Nourishes hair, skin and nails

Coconut water is great for replenishing minerals that the body has not been able to absorb and can boost the growth and overall health of hair, skin, and nails.

6. Improves Digestion

Water from a Coconut

People who suffer from hypothyroidism have slower, heavier digestion. They often feel overcrowded and also suffer from fluid retention or constipation.

Don’t hesitate – drink a few glasses of coconut water and take advantage of the bioactive enzymes present in the coconut water, such as phosphatase or peroxidase, both of which are excellent for digestion.

7. For Weight Loss

Coconut water is an ideal addition to a proper diet and weight loss regimen. The water offers so many digestive benefits and is able to stimulate a slow metabolism, while at the same time cleansing the body of toxins. So you will see great results.

How do you use coconut water to treat hypothyroidism?

Spoon with coconut water
  • Try drinking two or three glasses of coconut water after your main meal for 20 days. Take a 10-day break and then repeat everything.
  • If you want, you can also use coconut oil instead of coconut water. It’s equally beneficial. Make sure to use organic coconut oil, which has been produced naturally. The oil should be kept in a cool place and you can then take a tablespoon of it every day, preferably in the morning. Like coconut water, coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. So it’s fantastic. 

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