Coarse Pores? Try These 3 Masks!

Apply these masks to the skin immediately after taking a hot shower. The steam will open your pores, making the masks more effective.
Large pores?  Try these 3 masks!

Many people today suffer from large pores. Some of them use makeup to cover the pores. However, why not try to learn a little more about why pores enlarge before hiding them behind a layer of makeup? We explain it in this article.

What is the cause behind coarse pores?

Large pores can be very annoying. You know that they are not caused by a disease and also that there are no negative side effects associated with them. However, you simply don’t like them. Many women choose to hide their pores behind a layer of makeup, but this can sometimes make the situation worse.

Filling your pores with makeup can actually make them look bigger. Besides your skin type, the following factors are also common causes of coarse pores ë n:

  • Remember that there are glands in your skin that are responsible for producing sebum. When the skin releases this sebum, the pores open.
  • Your pores may be smaller or larger due to your skin ‘s genetic makeup, overly oily skin, sweat, or poor skincare habits.
  • With larger pores, there is more sebum. This is not bad at all – just the opposite, sebum helps to fight infections and ensures that the skin retains its natural oiliness. The downside, however, is that this means your facial skin is shinier and your pores are more visible.
  • Large pores are most visible in the area on and around the nose.

Masks that can help improve the appearance of your pores and shrink pores

1. Wheat Flour and Lemon Juice Mask

  • 125ml warm water
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • The juice of half a lemon

Why is this mask a good choice for large pores? Remember that lemon juice is a great astringent, which can help eliminate excessive oiliness, blackheads and shrink pores.

In addition, wheat offers incredible benefits for the skin. Wheat contains zinc, vitamin E and various B vitamins. This gives the skin the nutrients it needs, reduces oiliness, keeps the skin hydrated and maintains elasticity. This allows the pores to close again.

Do you want to know how to make this mask?

  • This recipe is very simple. Simply make a paste thick enough to apply to the face.
  • Mix the flour, lemon juice and water together until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Apply the paste on the face and leave it on for twenty minutes.  During this time, try to completely relax the muscles in the face.
  • Rinse the mask with cool water and apply your daily moisturizer.
  • This is a great mask to use twice a week in the evening.
Woman applies skin mask

2. Mask of aloe vera gel and orange juice

  • The juice of 1 orange
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

This combination may surprise you, but we assure you that it is one of the most effective ways to treat large pores.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, a vitamin that helps exfoliate the skin and clear the pores. In addition, the fruit contains alpha hydroxy acids that slowly but surely ensure that the pores close again.

Aloe vera gel is great for the skin. It can help rebalance your complexion, cleanse and smooth the skin, while eliminating impurities.

Now pay close attention to how to make this mask:

  • Start by pressing the orange.
  • Scrape a tablespoon of aloe vera gel from a fresh leaf.
  • Heat the orange juice and then add the aloe vera gel little by little to make sure the ingredients mix well.
  • When you have a homogeneous mixture, let it cool slightly, but make sure to keep the mixture warm.
  • Apply the mask on the face using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it on for twenty minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Then apply your daily moisturizer.

3. Baking Soda and Protein Mask

  • 125 ml milk
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 1 egg white

This product is ideal for shrinking pores. The baking soda has an astringent effect, which exfoliates and cleanses the skin. By combining this powder with milk and egg whites you make a mixture that is excellent for nourishing and smoothing the skin.

Here’s how to make the mask:

  • Heat a little milk until it is lukewarm.
  • Then add a tablespoon of baking soda along with the egg white.
  • Mix the ingredients together in a blender or with a spoon. The goal is to get a homogeneous mixture.
  • This mask is quite thin; so use a cotton ball to apply it on your face.
  • Instead of letting this mask soak into the skin for some time, you should use the mask to massage the skin. Apply the mask in circular motions to even out the skin and stimulate the pores.
  • This mask is great to use two days a week.
  • When you’ve massaged your face for fifteen minutes, rinse the mask with cool water and apply your daily moisturizer. Piece of cake.
Baking Soda on the skin

Finally, we should mention that it is best to use these masks right after you get out of the hot shower. The steam from the hot water causes the pores to open, which means that these natural remedies will deliver better results.

Use the mask that appeals to you the most. All three are suitable for oily or combination skin. It is wise to thoroughly cleanse your face before using these masks and apply your daily moisturizer afterwards. You will see that your pores will get smaller little by little.

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