Causes And Consequences Of Teeth Grinding

When grinding teeth, the lower and upper layers of the teeth are unintentionally pushed over each other. How can you prevent and reduce grinding or bruxism?
Causes and Effects of Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding or bruxism is a condition in which one inadvertently slides the lower and upper teeth over each other or indicates that teeth are clamped together with force.

It gives a grinding or grinding sound and usually happens while sleeping, but some people also experience it during the day. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is suspected that stress and anxiety play a role in its development.

The use of certain medication, drugs, alcohol and tobacco are also said to contribute to the development of teeth grinding.

What are the consequences of teeth grinding?

Teeth grinding becomes a problem when it stops and damage occurs. Grinding can cause the following problems, among others:

  • Problems in the temporomandibular joint : Due to the abrasive movement, the joint becomes overloaded. It can become painful, fatigue or give a radiating headache, ear or toothache.
  • Overload and inflammation of the chewing muscles due to constant movement.
  • Premature erosion or wearing off of the enamel of the teeth. Pieces of tooth enamel and fillings can break off. The teeth wear out abnormally quickly.
  • Fractures in the teeth or loosening of the teeth.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Extreme hypersensitivity of the teeth.
  • The chewing muscles can enlarge, which can change the shape of the face.

What treatments are there for teeth grinding?

bit for teeth grinding

A possible solution to avoid grinding is to insert a mouthpiece at night that prevents the teeth from sliding over each other. It also protects the teeth against excessive pressure. A relaxing massage of the facial muscles, the neck, neck and shoulders can also bring solace.

However, it is also very important to pay attention to the prevention of teeth grinding and to avoid the triggers that cause the grinding.

The biggest culprits are stress and anxiety. Learning to deal with stress and relaxation exercises ensure a better night’s sleep and can go a long way in reducing bruxism.

Natural remedies for teeth grinding

Fortunately, there are many herbs and herbal products that are easy to prepare at home and that are known to efficiently reduce tension and stress.

boldo tea

The boldo is a tropical tree with well-known medicinal properties.

  • First, make an infusion with 2.5 grams of dried boldo leaves in 100 ml of water in the evening before going to bed.
  • Then apply this remedy for 4 weeks and avoid interacting with other drugs during this time.


Chamomile is a herbal remedy from which you can prepare an infusion that has calming properties.

  • Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and then add it to a cup of boiling water.
  • Then drink a cup before going to bed.

Avoid chamomile during pregnancy.


Valerian is used to stimulate sleep and to relax.

  • First make an infusion with 15 grams of the root of the plant
  • Then let it rest overnight.

It is recommended not to use this medicine during pregnancy and breast-feeding. It is also not suitable for small children.


Marjoram generally has a nerve-stimulating effect and is relaxing. It is a natural antidepressant. Soak a few dried sprigs of marjoram in a cup of water for half an hour and drink it three times a day.

lemon balm

Lemon balm has long been known for its anti-anxiety, sleep-promoting and anti-stress properties.  Put some dried leaves in a cup of hot water and drink it three times a day.

A relaxing bath to prevent teeth grinding

Relaxing Bath


Take a warm, relaxing bath and add an infusion of thyme to the bath water. To do this, boil a handful of thyme in 1 liter of water for three minutes.


You can also take a wonderful, relaxing bath with sage. Proceed in the same way as described above and make an infusion by adding dried sage to 1 liter of water. You can use these relaxing baths for half an hour or longer without any problems.

Apply heat to prevent grinding

  • First moisten a towel with warm water and make sure the temperature is pleasantly warm.
  • Then wring out the excess water from the towel.
  • Then apply it to both sides of the face. 

The heat causes the facial muscles to relax and you become calmer.

music therapy

Music therapy has already proven to have a relaxing and relaxing effect. So listen to music. A soft music calms a tense and restless mind. End the day with your favorite music and you will notice that the breathing and heart rate will automatically slow down.

Turn off the computer, telephone and tablet at least an hour before going to bed, so that your senses have as little other information as possible to process.


A diet rich in calcium helps to counteract the wear and damage caused by the grinding.

Which foods are rich in calcium?

  • Vegetables such as spinach, onions, watercress, Swiss chard and broccoli
  • Chickpeas, lentils, white beans and soy products
  • Milk and all dairy products such as eggs, butter, cheese and yogurt
  • Fish, seafood and shellfish

Avoid eating nuts and dried fruits for a while, as they can often be hard and cause even more damage to the temporomandibular joint.

Extra tips to get rid of teeth grinding for good

  • Relax the old-fashioned way and enjoy a glass of warm milk with honey before bed. You will certainly start to relax at night.
  • Learn to view every situation in a calm way and to approach life from a positive point of view. For example, sign up for a mindfulness course or look online for self-help resources to deal with negativity and stress.
  • Learn some relaxing breathing techniques that you can perform in bed just before going to sleep. Breathing in and out slowly and deeply causes the muscles all over the body to relax. You can also apply this relaxing breathing in moments of anxiety or stress. 

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