Care Before, During And After Sun Exposure

Sun exposure can have negative effects on the skin, such as redness, sunburn, aging and an increased risk of cancer. What should you do to protect yourself? Discover it now! After all, summer is just around the corner!
Care before, during and after sun exposure

Sun exposure for longer than the recommended time, or without proper precautions, can be counterproductive to skin health. Maybe you just want to get a nice tan, but in reality you can suffer from burns, premature aging, eye damage and, in the worst case, skin tumors.

However, you don’t have to worry. There are several studies that give you handles and tips to take all precautions before, before, during and after exposure to the sun.

These will help you keep your skin healthy and avoid the effects we just mentioned. Are you interested in knowing what precautions those are? Then keep reading!

Considerations to Consider Before Sun Exposure

In one of its reports, the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the United States indicates that sunlight is one of the risk factors for premature skin aging (Spanish link).

It can also lead to cancer in the long run if you don’t take proper care of the skin. Therefore, before exposing yourself to the sun, you should put the following recommendations into practice.

Do not use products with alcohol

Perfumes and products with alcohol in the composition are not recommended for the skin. The reason? When they come into contact with the sun, they tend to cause dark spots that are difficult to remove.

Even natural liquids like lemon juice have an effect. If you apply it to your skin and then get it exposed to sunlight, you will notice an almost immediate discoloration of the skin. So be careful!

Avoid waxing or shaving

Some people choose to wax at the last minute, right before going to the beach or pool. However, this is a big mistake. By doing this, your skin will be more prone to irritation of the hair follicle.

With exposure to the sun and other environmental factors, you may experience pain, inflammation and even infection. So if you plan to be outside, make sure you wax well in advance.

Be careful with bruises

If you have bruises, try to avoid sunbathing for a long time. If you must be in the sun, try to cover the spots. As a number of experts at My Health Alberta have explained, this combination can cause spots in the area where the bruise is located.

Use sunscreen

Woman puts on sunscreen

As much as you want to show off a perfect tan, the most important aspect to consider is the health of your skin. Exposure to the sun for many hours without sunscreen is very harmful. This can happen if you go to a beach or pool without sunscreen

Heatstroke is not the only problem that can occur. If you continue to refuse to use sunscreen, you can develop serious diseases such as skin cancer in the long run. Be careful! Thus, pre-applying sunscreen is one of the most important measures to protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun.

Precautions During Sun Exposure

This is perhaps the most important step when sunbathing. It’s not just about what to do before and after sun exposure, but also about the care you need to apply when you’re out in the sun. Keep in mind the following points.

Drink enough water

By sweating (a common process when exposed to the sun) and not drinking enough water, you lose a significant amount of fluids that can lead to dehydration. So make sure you always have a bottle of water with you when you exercise, go to the beach or enjoy a day at the pool.

In addition, according to the OSDE Medical Services Network in Argentina (Spanish link), water represents 60% of body composition , so maintaining a good level of hydration will ensure the proper functioning of all organs.

take care of your hair

Your hair and the sun are not the best of friends. If you are planning a vacation trip where you will be exposed to the sun for a long time, then you need to make sure that you take good care of your hair.

Use heat-protective, moisturizing masks and, once you’re back, don’t forget to give your hair a touch up to ensure the health of your beautiful hair.

Reapply sunscreen

Applying sunscreen once is not enough. When exposed to the sun, specialists recommend reapplying the product regularly to ensure optimal care.

According to the American Cancer Society (Spanish link), you should use a product with at least 30 SPF (sun protection factor). The higher the SPF, the better the protection against ultraviolet rays. Carry it with you in your bag so you can reapply it when you need to.

Don’t wear makeup

Applying makeup before going to the beach or pool can have negative effects on skin health. These products can cause clogged pores when sweating. This increases the risk of acne and infections.

Care after sun exposure

Woman applies moisturizing cream

Last but not least is the care that comes after sun exposure. Believe it or not, these steps are just as important as the others we’ve mentioned as they will help your skin relax after exposure to the stress of ultraviolet rays.

Hydrate your skin after sun exposure

After a long period of exposure to the sun’s rays, it is normal for the skin to become dry or dehydrated. To remedy this, you should drink between 2 and 3 liters of water per day.

On the other hand, you can provide the skin with moisture with moisturizing creams that provide some nutrients. For example, products based on aloe vera or almond oil are good options.

Take a cold shower after sun exposure

Salt or chlorine should be removed from the skin as soon as you go home. We recommend taking a cold shower for this. This allows you to improve the oxygenation of the skin and you get a feeling of freshness. You can use a neutral soap and dry the skin gently.

Apply after-sun products

You can find many products specifically made for care after prolonged sun exposure. For example, think of creams made with aloe vera, chamomile and some with mint extracts. It can help relieve redness and inflammation when you’re burned.

They are also good choices if you have sensitive skin. For a more cooling effect, you can put them in the fridge for a while before applying. This way you experience more freshness when you spread them over your skin.

Cut your hair after unhealthy sun exposure

Sometimes the damage to the hair from prolonged exposure to the sun is irreparable. In these cases it is best to trim at least 2 cm from the ends of the hair. This removes the damage and ensures healthy new growth.

You can also enhance your hair care with moisturizing masks and other nourishing treatments. Also, don’t forget to use a heat protectant product for your hair every day!

What to Remember About Sun Exposure

Sun exposure makes it possible to obtain a tan that improves the aesthetics of the skin. However, it is important to remember that too much sun exposure can be harmful. To minimize the risks, we must therefore take certain precautions before, during and after direct contact with the sun.

If your skin is very sensitive and reddens too quickly, you should optimize this care to reduce the risks. In addition to sunscreen, other things like hats, long clothes, and sunglasses can help. However, don’t forget to take care of your skin!

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