Can You Fight Gallstones Naturally?

Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder as a result of cholesterol buildup or excess bilirubin. Read this article to find out how to fight them naturally!
Can you fight gallstones naturally?

Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver, just in the upper right corner of the abdomen. Today we ask the question: are there ways to fight gallstones naturally?

The treatment of this condition varies depending on the cause and severity. It is therefore important that you consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis before attempting to control it with natural remedies.

If it is a mild case, then natural remedies may work. Keep reading this article to discover some natural treatment options for gallstones.

How to fight gallstones naturally: 5 alternatives

Natural remedies to fight gallstones serve several purposes. First, they help reduce pain, nausea, and other symptoms of this condition. They also help dissolve the stones, making them easier to remove.

Remember that gallstones are usually formed by an excessive build-up of cholesterol or bilirubin. In either case, they form hard deposits that can clog the bile ducts, preventing proper bile flow.

Although medical treatment is based on taking certain medications and changing your diet, you may also need surgery. In addition , natural products have traditionally been used to combat gallstones. Are you ready to try them? Pay attention!

1. Milk Thistle

purple flower

To support the treatment of gallstones, you can take advantage of the properties of milk thistle. However, consult your doctor before using it. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) may help fight gallstones and other liver conditions.

This is attributed to the content of flavonolignans, more commonly known as silymarin, whose effects have been the subject of several studies due to its pharmacological uses.

How to use

  • You can use the extracts of this plant as a tea or as a supplement. In the first case, you can drink a maximum of 2 cups per day. In the case of supplements, you should follow the dosage suggested on the product label.

Note: This remedy is not recommended for high blood pressure, diabetes, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also avoid overuse as it has a laxative effect. In any case, you should consult a doctor beforehand, especially if you are using this to treat liver disease.

2. Apple juice

To date, there are no conclusive scientific studies on the efficacy of apple juice in the treatment of gallstones. Still, anecdotal evidence suggests it may help overcome this condition.

How to use

  • To fight gallstones, we recommend consuming a liter of apple juice per day for a week.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric root and powder

Consuming turmeric helps to maintain optimal bile flow. It is therefore a good supplement to prevent and treat gallstones. People have used turmeric as a remedy for gallstones for hundreds of years.

Due to its choleretic and bile floating properties, it helps to stimulate and empty the gallbladder functions. It also helps to maintain good bile flow, preventing it from building up in the bile ducts.

How to use

  • Since it is a very versatile spice, you can add it to smoothies, juices or soups.
  • You can also make it into tea or an infusion (drink it twice a day).
  • Finally, you can buy turmeric supplements.

4. Pear juice

Due to the significant contribution of pectin, a type of water-soluble fiber, pear juice can help prevent gallstones from forming. It also helps to lower cholesterol levels, which aids in dissolving gallstones.

How to use

  • Pour in half a glass of natural pear juice first.
  • Then mix it with an equal amount of warm water.
  • Ideally, you should drink 2 or 3 glasses a day for at least two months.

5. Mint to Fight Gallstones

Mint to fight gallstones naturally

Bioactive compounds in mint leaves, such as terpene, can help fight gallstones. The natural oils that the plant concentrates in its leaves help stimulate the flow of bile juices and prevent them from being retained.

How to use

  • You can make a mint tea or infusion and drink it 2 or 3 times a day.
  • In this particular case, you should ideally drink the remedy every day, for 2 or 3 months.

Do you have symptoms of gallstones? Do not hesitate to consult your doctor. While it may not seem serious at first, it’s important to get a prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent other complications.

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