Be Humble To Be Successful

Being humble means being able to be compassionate and respectful to others without overpowering them. It is well worth learning to be more humble.
Be humble to be successful

Being humble is more than just a virtue , it is also a value that we should all practice and pass on to our children.

Today, however, it seems that more and more people are confusing “success” with power, making them increasingly selfish.

There is an interesting Arabic saying that goes like this: ‘We are born as innocent creatures that become camels. Later we turn into lions and eventually we become children’.

People make complicated personal journeys, sometimes accumulating strength and power. In other words, where they feel the urge to become ‘lions’. Only later do we realize that we can only really find our true worth by having a tender soul, who approaches life issues in a wise and humble way.

It is not at all easy to always humble ourselves in our daily life. This requires small changes and different approaches that will undoubtedly enable us to lead a more harmonious life.

We invite you to think about this for a moment.

Successful people don’t look down on others

Some people think that the word “humility” denotes a lack of something. In other words, some people believe that humble people always put others above themselves.

Other people, on the other hand, associate humility with Buddhism. A spiritual movement where Buddha reminded us why it is so important to have a pure heart. To free ourselves from the urge for material wealth.

Buddha also reminded us why it is so important not to cling to others so that we can feel freer and be more kind and respectful.

However, you don’t have to look for complicated explanations for something so simple, so fundamental. Being humble does not mean that you have to be poor or that you have to follow a certain religion, movement or spiritual branch. 

It’s just common sense: humility doesn’t mean you think you’re better than others.

On the contrary, humility means that you believe in reciprocity and that you put this belief into practice. Above all, humility is not preached, but rather practiced.

Let’s dig a little deeper into this.

Those who don’t stick to what they say

woman with red flower

We all know public divn, politicians or high profile businessmen who proclaim the importance of:

  • To help the underprivileged among us.
  • To share.
  • Nurturing respectful environments that offer greater opportunities.

These kinds of people proclaim great virtues that they don’t hold themselves to at all in private. Think, for example, of cheaper workers in unfavorable working conditions in other countries or the exploitation of people who are publicly defended.

However, we don’t need to approach this issue so broadly, as there are plenty of examples around us too of people not following what they say.

For example, we all have friends or family members who are constantly talking about what they have done for others. What they didn’t all give up… In other words, people who brag about how great they are, when they’ve really only brought a lot of bad luck to their close friends and relatives.

It is important to think about this and consider it. Everything we say out loud should match our behavior. We should always act consciously and consistently.

Thus, pure-hearted people can truly reveal their humble actions, words, and intentions. This behavior will make us feel protected, respected and inspired.

We can all learn to be humble

a heart with flowers

Positive psychology, developed by psychologist Martin Seligman, sees humility as an indispensable factor that can help us create happiness in our lives.

Remember that positive psychology was developed in response to the clear needs people had to take charge of and create their own sense of well-being.

For a long time, psychology was developed only to treat diseases – in other words, to heal pathological people. However, Martin Seligman wanted psychology to go in a different direction and help people think about their happiness, joy and optimism.

We can all learn to be happy, joyful and optimistic. To live a full and balanced life, there is nothing better than adopting and practicing certain habits, all of which are humble in some respects.

 Some strategies that can help you with this

  • Recognize when you’ve made a mistake and be mature enough to correct them. Do this not only to promote your own well-being and growth, but also to bring happiness to those around you, who can see the effect of your evolution.
  • Learn to appreciate what is really important in life. Love, friendship, affection, sense of humor, empathy and curiosity will help you find the happiness you are looking for.
  • Do not think that you are more important than others, because this will cause others to avoid you.
  • Appreciate the simple things in life. Focus on the present. Observe, look at the things around you and try to learn from them, also from the people around you.
  • Be a good role model for children. Teach them to be humble, to understand their emotions. To connect with and respect their peers. 

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