Bad Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

Certain habits in our daily lives damage our kidneys. Changing these habits can improve the quality of your life.
Bad Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

Our kidneys are very important for our health! They are an amazing and ingenious purification system that we have to take very good care of to keep them healthy. So learn in this article which habits damage your kidneys, avoid these unhealthy lifestyle habits and cherish your kidneys!

Bad Habits That Damage Your Kidneys

1. Not drinking enough water

Everyone knows this main recommendation. But ask yourself how many glasses of water do you drink per day? The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood, eliminate toxins and waste. If you don’t drink enough water in one day, toxins and waste will build up, which can cause serious damage to your body in the long run.

A glass of water

We can avoid kidney problems by drinking one and a half to two liters of water a day. Not easy for everyone, but feel free to add a slice of lemon to the water to let it taste.

2. Holding your pee

Hold your pee

You probably know it, you are too busy and keep putting off a visit to the toilet. How long could you ignore your body’s signal that your bladder is full? An hour? Two o’clock? 

However, holding our urine regularly increases kidney pressure, which can lead to kidney distention, kidney failure, kidney stones and incontinence. Conditions We Can Avoid By Listening To Your Body If You Have To!

3. Bad Eating Habits

A glass of Coke

3.1 Using too much sodium

As you may know,  salt is the main source of sodium. But do you know why too high an intake is so harmful?

Elimination of sodium occurs through the kidneys and when consuming too much salt they have to work twice as hard, which can cause kidney damage in the long term. Therefore, reduce your daily dose of salt or remove it completely from the menu.

3.2 Too much animal protein

Both animal proteins and other foods with a high fat content make the kidneys work harder, so too much of these products results in  a reduced filtering of harmful substances. Regularly replace animal proteins with its vegetable counterpart.

3.3 Sparkling drinks

Soft drinks are high on the list of products that are harmful to the kidneys and unfortunately are increasingly preferred by young people over a fresh glass of water. Drink them as little as possible or completely eliminate them from your diet to prevent kidney stones and kidney disease.

3.4 Throw alcohol and tobacco aside

Alcohol and tobacco deliver an overdose of toxins to your body. They are extremely dangerous and prevent your kidneys from doing their job properly. Avoid them as often as you can and especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure.

3.5 Don’t buy genetically modified food

Unfortunately, we can’t always track where our food comes from and we risk buying products based on genetically engineered maize, fruits and vegetables produced in labs and meat from animals treated with growth accelerators.

These cause enormous damage to the body and burden the kidney function in particular. Make the choice for organic and local food, so that you know where your food comes from and can limit your damage from toxic substances.

4. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure

High blood pressure reduces the optimal functioning of the kidneys. It increases the pressure in the kidneys, which means that the filtering of toxic substances and the blood flow no longer runs optimally. In the long term, this can lead to kidney atrophy or other serious kidney problems.

Check your blood pressure regularly to keep it under control. Your doctor can give you the best advice on how to monitor your blood pressure.

5. Use of medicines

The use of medicines

Keep a close eye on your medication use!  After all, they can cause serious damage to the kidneys if used for a long time or incorrectly. Weigh and talk to your doctor when medicines are absolutely necessary, but also remember that there are many natural, safe remedies available for minor ailments and ailments, which spare the kidneys from damage and aggressive action.

6. Too little exercise

Too little movement

Have you counted how many hours a day we spend sitting in a chair? A sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact not only on our kidneys, but on our health in general. Exercise is so important that it is even dangerous to exercise too little.

Daily exercise lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and malignant tumors, including breast cancer and colon cancer. You make healthy effort to keep your own body and mind in balance. Therefore, go for a walk or exercise regularly with friends. Your kidneys will thank you immensely and remember: don’t forget your bottle of water!

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This article will help you work on a healthy lifestyle and eating habits! Small changes in your diet mean a big step forward for the health of your kidneys. Put salt aside, drink plenty of water, opt for vegetable proteins and less fat. In addition, don’t forget your regular routine check-ups with your doctor to keep your kidneys and body in optimal condition.

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