Tricks To Fight Sleep Apnea

Do you or your loved one suffer from sleep apnea? Discover healthy, natural tricks to combat this sleep disorder.
Tricks to fight sleep apnea

In this article, we want to teach you some tricks so that you can combat or even prevent the effects of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition that prevents you from breathing properly while you sleep. Your breathing may even stop for several seconds during the night. This can happen once, but also several times.

It is a common problem in people with asthma or lung disease. As you can imagine, this  can cause various health problems.

You may stop breathing more than 30 times per hour, but after a pause, your breathing resumes normally. Sometimes breathing starts again with a loud snore or with the sound as if the person is choking. Unfortunately, sleep apnea can also disturb your friends and family.

Tricks to fight sleep apnea

Make a sleep schedule

The most common way to combat sleep apnea is a sleep schedule. Make sure that the times you sleep are always the same. This allows your body to enter a lighter kind of sleep.

Keep in mind that if you don’t get regular and comfortable sleep, it makes you more likely to develop muscle irregularities and breathing problems.

Really try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night and develop a special sleep schedule for yourself.

Lose weight

Lose weight


Being overweight is linked to sleep apnea. This is because your body is overloaded by unnecessary body mass. Fat collects at your throat and neck. This is dangerous because it blocks your airways. It causes snoring and prevents your lungs from working optimally.

The best thing you can do is change your eating habits. You should add natural foods and exercise as much as possible.

The weight loss process takes a lot of effort, especially if you’ve had bad habits for a long time. Therefore, it is better to start slow and change little by little.

Sleep on your side

Sleeping on your back makes it much harder for your respiratory system to fight the problems of sleep apnea. A blocked air supply is also part of this.

Your tongue and the soft tissue in your throat drop automatically. If you sleep on your back, they sag backwards and this blocks your air supply and causes snoring.

To sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees before going to sleep. This keeps you from changing positions when you sleep and is better for your back.

It is important that you always try to avoid turning on your stomach or back. These two positions cause interrupted nights. In addition, you will snore much worse in these positions.

Add exercise to your daily routine


As we mentioned, weight loss is important to fight sleep apnea. It’s impossible to lose weight if you don’t include exercise in your daily routine. In addition , prolonged training strengthens your respiratory muscles and airways.

And if that weren’t enough, if you make exercise part of your day, you help your body to rest better later. That means you’ll fall asleep much easier if you’re trying to go to sleep.

Make sure you get enough magnesium

Sleep apnea mainly affects the muscles in the upper part of your throat. This means you have to make sure they can do their job.

Magnesium is an essential mineral that affects muscles throughout your body. That’s why you have to make sure you get the right amount.

You can take magnesium supplements or foods such as:

  • Leafy vegetables
  • bananas
  • beans
  • Avocados
  • Various types of nuts and seeds

Our recommendation is that you eat enough foods rich in magnesium. This is the best option for staying healthy without spending too much money on pills.

Avoid tobacco

To smoke

Smoking is one of the main causes of sleep apnea. This is especially true for obstructive sleep apnea. The chemicals in tobacco smoke cause constriction, inflammation and irritation of your airways.

If you want to stop snoring, quitting smoking should be one of the first things you try. It is best to avoid cigarettes, cigars and pipe in all forms. If you really want something in your mouth, try electronic cigarettes.


You may not have expected this tip, but singing strengthens the soft tissue in your throat and palate.

By improving your muscle control in this area, you will reduce the chance of blocking your airways. After all, this is due to flabby or lazy muscles.

Now that you know this, sing a song once in a while. It doesn’t matter if you have a good voice. All you have to do is pick your favorite song and sing it in the shower. Also remember that singing helps you naturally get rid of your stress.

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