The Best Home Workout Routine

Perform this routine every other day and gradually increase the intensity and number of repetitions of your exercises as you get stronger. This is how you achieve the best results.
The best home workout routine

There are many home workout routines. Today, however, we’ll show you the best workout routine to do at home without equipment. However, you can choose to use elastic bands or dumbells. This makes the exercises even harder.

This workout routine only takes 7 minutes. So you can do these on the weekend or on days when you can’t go to the gym. Don’t have a gym subscription? Then use it as a form of personal training.

A workout routine you can do at home in 7 minutes

Take enough space so that you don’t bump into anything. Put on some fast tempo music to get yourself ready to do these exercises. Come on!

1. Jumping Jacks as a warm-up

jumping jacks

It is very important to do a good warm-up first to prevent injuries. This way you ensure that your body is ready for the exercises that will be discussed below. Therefore, do jumping jacks for about 30 seconds as a warm-up. This may seem short, but you will see that it is totally worth it.

2. Squats against the wall

You will need to lean against a wall to perform this exercise. This isn’t the squat you’re used to, where you lower your body and then stand up again. This squat is completely different.

  • First, place your back against the wall, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair.
  • You can stretch your arms out in front of you, rest them on your hips, or wherever that’s comfortable for you.
  • Then hold this position for about 30 seconds.

3. Pushups

Now it’s time for pushups!

  • Get on your hands and knees, then place your hands under your chest.
  • Now lift your knees off the floor and lower and raise your body by bending and extending your arms. Try to touch the floor with your chest.
  • Do as many pushups as you can for 30 seconds. The more the better!

Remember, don’t do anything crazy with your body. Lower and raise your body like a plank, tight and straight. Some people lower their hips to make the exercise easier. However, this form is wrong. 

4. Crunches

With crunches you train your abs

After the push-ups we will work on the abs. Use a mat to prevent back injuries or if the floor is cold.

  • First lie on your back.
  • Squeeze your abs for 30 seconds and raise your upper body.
  • Make sure to extend your arms in front of you as you rise. When going down, place them on top of your head.
  • Are you looking for an extra challenge? Then, after you come up, raise your arms straight up toward the ceiling.
  • Then bring them back to shoulder height and lower your body to the floor. You can also try doing this prior to the crunch.

5. Step-ups with chair

You will need a chair or bench for this exercise. It is important that it is of normal height. Also make sure that the furniture is firmly in place on the floor, because if it shifts you could injure yourself.

  • Step onto the chair with one foot first, then both. Then get off the chair again. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  • Try to do this without stopping. The more reps, the better.

6. Squats

During the second exercise, we did wall squats. Now it’s time for the normal version! Make sure your knees don’t go further forward than your toes. If your form is wrong, you can cause your knees a lot of pain.

  • First, extend your arms in front of you and try to sit on an invisible chair. Then raise yourself back up.
  • Do this for 30 seconds and try to go as low as you can.
  • With enough practice you will eventually be able to sink almost to the floor.

7. Triceps Dips With Chair

triceps dips

It’s time to train our arms, especially your triceps.

  • Stand in front of a chair as if you are going to sit on it.
  • Place your hands on the chair and support your body on it. Stretch your legs.
  • Bend your arms and lower your body toward the floor. Then push yourself back up.
  • You can bend your knees slightly or keep them completely straight.
  • Do as many reps as you can for 30 seconds.

8. Planks

By planking you also train your abs. You already notice: this workout routine trains the entire body.

  • First, lie flat on the floor with your face down. Support on your toes and forearms.
  • Keep your head level with your back and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Pay close attention and make sure your hips are not too high or too low.

9. Knee Lifts

The end is near. Do you remember our warm-up at the beginning? Now we’re going to do something similar, but now we’re going to run in one and the same place.

  • Alternately raise your left and right knees as high as you can.
  • As a reference point, try to touch your chest with your knees. This is about the right height.

10. Lunges

Lunges are good for your leg muscles

Now it’s time for forward lunges.

  • Take a big step forward and bend your knees. Your back leg should ideally touch the ground.
  • Also do this exercise for 30 seconds, switching legs each time.
  • For a more challenging challenge, you can choose to alternate your legs every two steps.

11. Push-up with rotation

We now go back to the third exercise, but now we make it a little more difficult for you.

  • Do pushups for 30 seconds. Every time you push yourself up, you turn your entire body in one direction.
  • Your body remains straight, and one of your arms is pointing toward the ceiling.

11. Side Planks

The side plank is spicy

We are almost there! One more exercise to go.

  • Lie on your side, keep your body completely straight and lean on your forearm.
  • You can point your other arm towards the ceiling or rest it at your side.
  • Make sure your body is straight.
  • Start on your left and then continue to your right.
  • Hold both positions for 30 seconds.

As you can see, this 7-minute workout routine is very simple, but above all complete. We encourage you to do this workout routine at least three times a week to see results. Also, don’t forget your warm-up!

Your body will look toned, you’ll get stronger and you’ll be able to do more and more push-ups. What else do you want? Are you ready to try it?

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