6 Health Problems That Cause Back Pain

Back pain can be a symptom of certain conditions and ailments that actually have nothing to do with that body part. However, you will still need treatment to relieve the pain.
6 health problems that cause back pain

Do you constantly suffer from back pain? There are people who experience this problem so regularly that they start to see it as normal. However, it is certainly not something normal and you should not get used to it.

Your back is your body’s most important support system: the spine. If you don’t take good care of your health, you can develop problems with your spine.

There are many actions that can cause back pain. For example, it happens when you lift a lot of weight without proper precautions. But sometimes serious, lasting health problems that cause back pain come into play. In this article we tell you about it.

So keep reading this article to learn how your back pain could be warning you of a more serious underlying condition. Pay close attention and always act with caution to avoid developing such health problems that cause back pain.

1. Wear of the intervertebral discs

intervertebral disc

As you probably know, your spine is made up of vertebrae separated from each other by small discs known as intervertebral discs. These discs serve to facilitate movement and to support the spine so that your bones 

Over time, due to poor posture or incorrect movements, these discs become thinner and thinner. This condition is common in older people. However, it can also occur in younger women who received an epidural during childbirth.

If you notice this problem, it’s important that you see your doctor right away so he or she can prescribe you medication to manage the pain. You can also use some kind of back brace to help keep your spine in place.

In addition, massage is an excellent treatment and you should take a calcium supplement to prevent the problem from worsening.

2. Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be felt from the rib cage to the buttocks. It is a condition that anyone can contract over the course of his or her life.

Because it is such a frequent problem 

If you only experience the pain occasionally, pay attention to the activities you did shortly before. It’s possible that you have bad posture when you’re sitting at your desk or that your work is causing the pain.

It is best that you see your doctor to rule out a potentially more serious problem.

3. Osteoporosis


Osteoporosis is a bone disease. It occurs when you lose bone mass in density and the bones become weaker.
This disease makes your bones fragile and can cause serious injury, even from minimal impact. In most cases, there are no obvious symptoms right away, but back pain can occur.

  • If you’re over 40 and your diet isn’t particularly rich in calcium, it’s a good idea to see your doctor regularly to make sure you don’t suffer from osteoporosis.
  • You should also see a doctor if you notice that your back pain seems to be in the middle of your spine and you hear a clicking sound when you move. That can never be a normal sign.

4. Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease. Pain on l

The following symptoms are very commonly associated with fibromyalgia:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Fatigue
  • A swollen feeling
  • Stiffness
  • intestinal disorders
  • A numb feeling in the joints
  • Heartburn

If you suffer from this problem, your doctor may prescribe different medications to treat each symptom individually.

Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are options for alleviating the pain. But you will have to find out for yourself what works best for you.

5. Scoliosis


Among the health problems that cause back pain is scoliosis. The spine deviates sideways, beyond its normal range.
It is a deformity that 

When scoliosis is in an advanced stage, the disease usually causes pressure or spasms in the spine, leading to pain.

To reduce the pain caused by scoliosis, you need medical treatment. It usually includes:

  • Appointments with the physiotherapist
  • Wearing a brace
  • Have you checked regularly to see if the problem has worsened

6. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is one of the most common diseases in women. In this case, the back pain is due to abnormal cellular growths that form in the endometrium 

The pain is typically acute and occurs more often during menstruation. While the over-the-counter pain relievers certainly provide relief, it is better to consult a gynecologist to get the right treatment that way.

General tips to deal with health problems that cause back pain

  • See a specialist to get the right treatment, depending on the type of condition you have.
  • Practice yoga. It’s the perfect way to relax your body and fight pain and inflammation.

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