10 Tips For A Tidy And Clean Home

We want a clean and orderly home. But keeping it that way requires a lot of effort. Sometimes our time is limited and things get a bit complicated. We give you ten tips here! With a little bit of organization you can get the job done.
10 tips for a tidy and clean house

We want a tidy and clean house. But due to the daily hustle and bustle of our lives, we can’t always make enough time for this – at least not every day of the week.

Fortunately, there are several ways to keep the house in order. Follow the tips in this article. You are guaranteed to get great results.

10 tips for a tidy and clean house

1. Establish a daily routine

This is similar to our plans to go to the gym. A daily routine is helpful in making sure all the most important chores around the house are done.

We can do this easily and in a short time. That way we always make sure that everything is as we want it to be.

Make a list of all the important chores you need to do : the laundry, sweeping, mopping, cleaning the tub, bringing in the dry laundry, and so on.

Then divide these household chores over the seven days of the week (select them based on how heavy they are or how much time you need).

We give an example of how you can always have a tidy and clean house with a clear planning:

  • Monday: Wash the windows.
  • Tuesday: Dust, sweep and mop.
  • Wednesday: The laundry.
  • Thursday: Organize the wardrobe.
  • Friday: Cleaning the kitchen.
  • Saturday: Change the bed.
  • Sunday: Cleaning the bathroom.

Planning like the one we suggest here makes it easier to get your house in order and keep a tidy and clean home.

Moreover, with such a plan you will also have to invest less time in these household tasks during the weekend or on days off.

2. You don’t have to own more things than you need

Tips for a clean house

Of course, some items are really indispensable. But when you go shopping and are looking for something for the home – a table, a lamp or some other decorative element – ​​ask yourself: is this really necessary? Will it really make my life easier somehow?

If the answer is “no” and if you have any doubts, it is better not to buy it.

Because remember: the more things you have in your house, the more disorder and clutter.

3. Use hooks to keep things organized

Are you one of those people who leaves their keys, umbrella, purse, wallet and all sorts of items all over the house? Then use  coat racks or hooks in strategic places.

For example, you can install them in the living room and the bedroom. If you have children, you can also put them in their rooms.

In this way we provide a little more organization in those things that we throw around everywhere during the day.

4. Make your bed before you leave the house

Make your bed before you leave the house

Nothing is more relaxing than coming home after a hard day at work to find a clean bed. Making the bed also helps to keep the bedroom tidy.

5. Wash the dishes after every meal

This is not a waste of water. Wash the plates and dishes every time you use them.

Because if there’s one thing that can make your rough day even worse, it’s a sink or dishwasher full of leftovers and dirty dishes.

The other family members can also wash up the things they used during the meal. That also makes it easier to keep the kitchen clean without too much effort.

Another handy tip: when you’re cooking, it’s a good idea to wash the kitchen equipment in between. This will prevent it from piling up.

6. Organize your clothes

A clean house

Even if you leave just one pair of stockings or a few shirts lying around, it gives the impression that you are the messiest person in the world.

Use baskets for the dirty and clean clothes. If you don’t have the time or energy to wash or fold your clothes, at least they’ll be in a handy place and won’t give your home a cluttered look.

7. Clean the washing machine

We don’t often think about cleaning this household appliance. But you should not forget to clean the water and other dirt residues that build up.

To prevent the growth of mold, you should preferably leave the machine open after each wash cycle. That way the moisture can evaporate.

8. Make sure your pet is clean

A clean house with clean pets

Do you have a cat, a dog, a bird – or any other pet? Always make sure your pet is clean. This way you avoid stains on your cupboards or beds. In addition, you prevent insects and bad odors from entering your home.

9. Put everything back in its place

You will save a lot of time if you put each item back in its place. The house will also look less cluttered. Moreover, you can clean in a more efficient way and you will quickly have a tidy and clean house.

10. Clean Stains Immediately

A clean house

If you have spilled milk or any other liquid on the stove, floor, bedside table or table, wipe it up immediately with a cloth! Once the stain dries it will be much more difficult to remove.

When you keep the house in order, your life will be much more harmonious. In addition, your house will look much nicer. It also reduces stress because you will feel quite happy at home.

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