Five Reasons Why People Don’t Have Friends

Are some of these reasons why you don’t have friends? Even if you love being alone, having friends is necessary and very healthy, as long as you handle these bonds responsibly.
Five reasons why people don't have friends

Are you complaining that you have no friends? Do you feel lonely? If so, pay attention to the following reasons why people don’t have friends. It is possible that you do something that scares them away.

Sometimes it is difficult to be critical of ourselves or accept our mistakes. But it is a very necessary skill. It is even more necessary if you want to have more friends.

Let’s see what can happen.

1. You always complain

Not having friends because you are constantly complaining

Constantly complaining can be a reason why you don’t have friends. Plus, people do it so often that we may not realize we’re doing it.

Complaining all the time can make people see us as pessimists or as if we always feel like a victim.

In addition, complaining can make us very selfish. Because when we complain, only we are important. We also feel so bad that everyone else has to support us.

But everyone else can get tired of your whining. So maybe that’s why you don’t have friends…

2. When you’re in a relationship, you forget your friends

Not having friends because of your relationship

Many people forget that they have friends when they are in a relationship.

They just want to be with their partner. That is understandable. But still, they have to make room to spend time with their friends.

  • Your friends may feel used if you just call them or make plans with them when you are single. Because friendships should be respected.
  • Does your partner really need all of your time? Do you really have no time for your friends?

The stage of infatuation blinds us to such an extent that we can lose sight of friends. Yet they are always there to listen to us and comfort us when we have problems.

3. You have too high expectations

Not having friends because of too high expectations

Another reason people don’t have friends may be because the expectations they have about their friends’ behavior are too high.

This sometimes also happens between partners. It is something that can be frustrating and exhausting.

Expecting other people to behave the way you think they should, or to be a specific kind of friend, can be expectations that are hard to fulfill.

No one will behave a certain way just because we want to. So put an end to those expectations that destroy friendships.

4. Low self-esteem can be a reason people don’t have friends

Not having friends because of low self-esteem

This is another really common reason why people don’t have friends. You have low self confidence. If you have low self-esteem, problems can develop in your interpersonal relationships.

  • Perhaps you expect too much from others. Or you feel attacked when they are not as you expect. You can also be sad when you are not the center of attention…
  • All these things can make you shut down. You rarely have contact with your friends. You might not even care about making plans with them anymore.

Eventually that friendship will wear out.

It is important that you seek professional help to deal with your low self-esteem. You also need to get out of the house more and meet new people.

Start going to the gym or to an interest group. For this will give you the opportunity to discover that there are other people in the world who can be part of your circle of friends. Be open to meeting new people.

5. You gossip about everyone

Not having friends by gossiping too much

There are many people who often gossip with their friends. The problem occurs when they gossip to one friend about another.

For starters, that friend will realize how you behave behind their back.

This attitude can also make your friends lose their trust in you. They will then stop being honest with you. Eventually will no longer be your friend.

Trust is important in all relationships. It’s normal to talk about a friend sometimes. But if you do this repeatedly and continuously, it indicates a really negative attitude towards friendships.

Are these possible reasons that you don’t have friends? Even if you really like being alone, having friends is necessary and very healthy. However, you must ensure that you handle these tires in a responsible manner.

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