7 Signs Your Baby Needs To See A Doctor

From the moment you knew you were going to be a parent, it was clear that your baby’s health would be the top priority. Like all parents, you then tend to be wary and want to be well informed at all times.
7 signs your baby needs to see a doctor

Keep an eye out for the signs we discuss below, as they can sometimes indicate the need to take your baby to the doctor. That way you can detect any health risk before problems arise.

However, these signs are sometimes very difficult to observe. That is why it is so important to learn more about it. These signals can tell you a lot about the health of your baby.

Also remember that early detection and treatment of a potential condition can save you a lot of hassle and worry in the short, medium and long term. A healthy baby is a happy baby, with a few reassured parents!

Look out for these 7 signs that your baby needs to see a doctor

1. New spots


New spots can sometimes go undetected in both children and adults.

However, be careful if you notice that your baby has a new, larger than normal, asymmetrically shaped spot of an odd color. On the other hand, if it is a mole that the baby was born with that suddenly starts to grow, you should also take your baby to the doctor and have the mole checked.

Sometimes such a spot can be the result of a shortage or an excess of vitamins or proteins. In addition, there may also be more serious problems with the examination, such as a type of cyst or tumor.

2. Excessive Hair Loss

If your baby suddenly loses a lot of hair after the first two months, he or she may be suffering from a vitamin deficiency. At first, this can go unnoticed, because a baby doesn’t have that much hair yet.

When your baby’s hair falls out, both you and the pediatrician need to evaluate the nutrition your baby receives and its nutritional values. This information will certainly help diagnose a possible vitamin deficiency and determine the cause.

3. Behavioral Changes

Baby won't eat

Behavioral changes are possible signs that your baby needs medical attention. So are symptoms such as:

  • loss of appetite
  • decreased physical activity
  • sleeping problems

Therefore, if your baby exhibits such behavior, see a doctor right away.

4. Baby’s head doesn’t close nicely

One of the most common ailments in babies is sudden changes in the shape of the head. This is because the fontanelles normally have to close as the baby grows. If you notice that your baby’s head is not closing properly, you should consult your doctor.

5. Hearing loss

Hearing loss

If your baby doesn’t respond when you call him, it could be due to a hearing problem. In such cases, you may need to take your baby to a hearing care professional. He can find out exactly what’s going on.

Hearing loss or deafness is particularly difficult to notice in young babies . These are very subtle signals, but if you pay attention to them, you will notice it.

6. Thirst

When a baby is really thirsty and always asking for water, it could be a sign that something is not quite right. It’s important to keep your baby hydrated, of course, but it’s not normal for a baby to constantly ask for water or milk. This can be a symptom of an illness or dehydration.

7. Snoring


Most babies snore a little bit. So you don’t have to worry about that. However, when the snoring gets really loud, it can be a clear symptom of some breathing problem or infection.

In such cases, we recommend taking your baby to the doctor as soon as possible. This way he can determine what is going on and possibly solve the problem on the spot.

If your baby snores a lot, the problem could also be due to swollen tonsils. Fortunately, that can be solved with a quick and simple surgical procedure.

Finally, we would like to emphasize once again that you should certainly not ignore these signals. In some cases, these are harmless phenomena, but you’d better be on the safe side. Remember that this is the most vulnerable stage in your child ‘s life and therefore your baby needs constant attention and care.

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