Supporting The Treatment Of Osteoarthritis

There is no cure for osteoarthritis. However, healthy habits can help manage your symptoms. Get to know some of these habits in this article!
Supporting the treatment of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that affects joint health. Here are some habits that support the treatment of osteoarthritis.

It often affects people over 60 years of age. However, it can also occur in adults of any age. While there is no cure, some habits can prevent it from getting worse.

How should you treat osteoarthritis? Fortunately, significant progress has been made in the treatment of osteoarthritis. In addition to medications such as pain relievers, specialists have other recommendations for managing symptoms. Discover some of those tips here!

Habits That Support Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis develops as a result of progressive damage to the joints. This deterioration can occur over time. It can be a result of aging or a previous injury. This condition causes symptoms such as:

  • pain in the joints
  • stiffness
  • a reduced freedom of movement

The severity may vary from patient to patient. Yet it affects everyone’s quality of life. Thus, the treatment of osteoarthritis aims to reduce the development of the disease and control the symptoms.

1. Physical Exercise

Physical Exercise Helps Treat Osteoarthritis

Exercise generally promotes physical well-being. This is especially true for the joints. So it improves mobility.

The pain resulting from osteoarthritis often impairs the ability to perform certain exercises. However, it is not recommended to lead a sedentary life. So do regular low-impact exercises. This strengthens the muscles around the joints and prevents complications of this condition.

Daily physical activity for about 20 to 30 minutes helps, among other things, to relieve stiffness. It also reduces the risk of pain attacks. You should do activities such as:

  • to walk
  • swimming
  • stretching exercises
  • yoga
  • tai chi

2. Weight Loss

Being overweight or obese can accelerate the deterioration of the joints in patients with osteoarthritis. Both are actually considered to be possible causes of the disease. Therefore, the overweight people should strive to lose few pounds.

A healthy weight puts less pressure on the joints. So it helps to control the pain. In addition, it lowers the risk of other health complications such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

3. A good night’s sleep

The importance of a good night's sleep

Sleep problems can exacerbate illnesses over time and impair quality of life. The pain that osteoarthritis causes can sometimes affect sleep quality.

Nevertheless, it is necessary that you try to enjoy a good night’s sleep every night. After all, rest is the key to reducing joint swelling.

If you have trouble sleeping, try the following approach:

  • Make sure your room is a comfortable place to sleep.
  • Avoid working in your bedroom.
  • Before going to sleep, stay away from distracting elements such as computers, cell phones or tablets.
  • Eat foods that promote sleep.
  • Eat a healthy evening meal with few calories.
  • Drink relaxing infusions such as passion flower or valerian tea.

4. Natural Teas

Medicinal tea cannot replace the pharmacological treatment prescribed by your doctor. However, these teas can support the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Some teas are recommended because they have anti-inflammatory properties. Examples include:

  • ginger tea
  • green tea
  • turmeric tea

5. Hot-Cold Therapy May Support Osteoarthritis Treatment

Hot-cold therapy to treat the joints

This therapy is an effective way to control the inflammatory process of the joints. Heat helps to open the blood vessels. So it will improve blood circulation.

As a result, the supply of nutrients to the affected tissue is also better. Heat also produces a calming effect that reduces stiffness.

On the other hand, the application of ice closes the blood vessels. It reduces swelling and pain. For that reason, it is a good choice to supplement the effects of the heat.

  • To start, apply a warm compress of warm water or with a heating pad. You can also wet a towel with hot water (be careful not to burn yourself).
  • Then apply it to the affected area for 20 minutes and rest.
  • If you prefer the cold therapy, wrap several ice cubes in a cloth or bag. Apply it for 20 minutes.

Warning: Avoid applying the ice directly to the skin. This can cause problems. So make sure you wrap the ice in a towel. When applying heat, you also need to make sure that the temperature is bearable.


Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition that can get worse without timely treatment. That is why it is essential that you address the symptoms. If you suspect that you are suffering from this disease, consult your doctor. The combination of medicine and good habits can lead to great results.

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