8 Symptoms Of Kidney Problems

8 Symptoms of Kidney Problems

Tiredness, changes in the color of your urine, back pain… you may be suffering from kidney problems. Check out all the symptoms in this article.

Taking care of your kidneys is an essential part of the day. We sometimes make big mistakes: poor nutrition, insufficient fluid intake… Sometimes this can lead to signs that something is not right. Why don’t we look at some of these symptoms to see if you have kidney problems? Pay attention, it is important for your health!

Symptoms of kidney problems

We all know the saying knowledge is power. Listening to our bodies is an indispensable way to stay healthy. Sometimes we have to pay attention to the smallest details. Symptoms of kidney problems can be very obvious, so it’s never wrong to see a doctor to see what’s wrong.

1. Changes in your urine

This is certainly the most obvious symptom of kidney problems.

  • You often have to go to the toilet in the evening with great urgency, but when you go only a few drops come out.
  • The color of your urine changes or contains foam or bubbles. In addition to urinating more often, your urine is also darker (just like the color of cola, because there is blood in your urine).

2. Fatigue

Sometimes we are tired for no apparent reason. We walk slowly, we get tired of climbing stairs and our bodies feel listless. Often, when you arrive at work, all you can think about is sleeping.

What is the cause of this lack of energy? The kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which carries oxygen to the blood. If there are problems with the kidneys, the lack of this hormone causes the kidneys to fail. This causes our muscles to become exhausted and reduces the amount of red blood cells (which lowers the oxygen level and causes anemia.) So we have to be very careful!

3. Swelling

Swelling of the feet

Do your ankles constantly swell? And your legs? Are you having trouble putting on your shoes? Then it is possible that you suffer from kidney problems. Don’t associate these symptoms with kidney problems, as they can also be circulatory. You should also watch for other symptoms, such as hair loss, swelling of the face, hands, and fingers. All of these things could be because the kidneys can’t eliminate excess fluid that builds up in your body.

4. Rash and Burning Sensation

A sudden nasty rash can be a result of blood buildup from kidney failure. They will continue to grow and cause an uncomfortable burning sensation.

5. Metallic taste in the mouth

Woman with a leaf in her mouth against bad breath

Another thing to keep in mind is that food may no longer taste as normal. Not only does it smell bad, but the taste is foul and it leaves a metallic taste in your mouth. This can cause you to lose your appetite. These are effects that people with kidney problems suffer from, so don’t brush it off if it’s a constant occurrence.

6. Nausea and Discomfort

There are many things that cause nausea and discomfort. But if it happens often, you should contact your doctor, as it may be due to a build-up of waste in the blood (azotemia), causing nausea and vomiting.

7. Cold feeling

A cat is lying on the heating

Anemia, or a low level of red blood cells, leads to weakness and makes us more sensitive to changes in temperature. This is especially true for cold temperatures. As a result , the hands and feet feel icy cold. This is also a common feature.

8. Pain on one side of the back or in one leg

Did this happen to you once? Relax, this can be a symptom of a lot of things. However, if it is recurring, then you should pay attention. Pain on one side of the back or the legs feels like an annoying pressure that cannot be explained. Make an appointment with the doctor if you regularly suffer from this.

If it’s always on the same side, then it could be a result of an infected kidney. Sometimes it can also be caused by polycystic kidneys, which is due to cysts in the kidneys that are full of fluid and sometimes the liver, which causes a lot of pain.

Finally, pay attention to signals your body is telling you that something is not right. While you don’t have to obsessively watch your body, it is recommended that you see a doctor if you experience constant, recurring pain or the symptoms mentioned.

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