7 Simple Moves To Relieve Stiff Muscles

Do you suffer from muscle pain? It is essential to stretch before and after exercise. Doing this will prevent intense muscle soreness to a certain extent, as well as possible muscle tears.
7 Simple Moves to Relieve Sore Muscles

Stiff muscles and muscle pain can occur immediately after exercise, a sudden movement or a bad night’s sleep.

If you feel like you can’t move yourself without looking like you’re walking on a bed of nails, take a look at today’s article where we ‘ll share with you some simple stretches that can help you get better. to feel.

Why do you suffer from stiff muscles?

You may have read that the cause of stiff muscles is a build-up of lactic acids in the muscles. This is what is responsible for the stiffness and the cramps.

According to a study published in the journal Sports Medicine  , stiff muscles are caused by a type of muscle hangover.

This so called delayed-onset muscle soreness  (DOMS) is a natural response when your body needs to repair damage caused during exercise or during a movement that is new to the body.

You don’t have to worry, because the damage is microscopic and part of a natural process that your body goes through.

Painful Knee

The inflammation can last for several days after the activity (up to three days after), but slowly but surely disappears.

It may seem unlikely, but DOMS isn’t just something that happens to people who are new to sports, but it also happens to experienced athletes.

Muscle stiffness and discomfort are a symptom of strain in a specific area of ​​the body.

No doubt you’ve heard of the phrase “no pain, no gain”. This couldn’t be more true. So when your muscles hurt, be happy because it means your body is recovering from the effort you put into exercising.

Exercises and stretches to reduce stiff muscles

When you can’t move yourself because your muscles hurt so much, you have to do something about it. Simple tricks to ease the pain can be very helpful.

How can you do that when, the moment you try to move, your stiff muscles become unbearable? Well, you start with a few poses and gentle exercises.

1. ‘Half Moon’ Stretch

This yoga pose is very good for stretching the muscles in your upper body.


  • Stand with your legs together.
  • Lift your arms above your head and bring your palms together. Try to keep your body straight.
  • Lean to the right, return to your center position, then lean to the left.
  • Repeat this several times.

2. The ‘Butterfly’ Stretch

For this exercise you need to sit on the floor on a mat.


  • Cross your legs so that your knees turn outward and the soles of your feet touch each other.
  • With your back straight, lean forward very slowly.
  • Keep your legs slightly open and press down with your knees.

3. The ‘snake’ stretch

If you’ve done abdominal exercises, your abs may hurt a little with this stretch.


  • Lie on your back on a mat and place the palms of your hands at shoulder height. Inhale and lift your torso. Lean back slightly with your head.
  • What you want is for your upper body to be stretched. Your shoulders should be in line with your ears and your hips should stay on the floor.

4. Legs to Chest Stretch

One of the areas that tends to be quite stiff after playing sports is the back. You can stretch it in a number of different ways.


  • Lie on your back on a mat with your feet on the floor.
  • Lift your right knee toward your chest and hold it there by wrapping your hands around it.
  • Gently pull it toward your torso and return to the starting position, repeating with the other leg.
  • Once you’ve done 10 reps with each leg, repeat more times by lifting both legs at the same time.
  • If you want, you can make a light rotating movement to either side.

5. Stretch the hips and back

Your spine can really suffer when you exercise too much or lift too much weight. If your back hurts around the rib cage or in the lumbar area, this exercise will really help.


  • Lie on your back with your arms at your side, your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Without letting your shoulders lift off the mat, rotate your hips to the right until your knee touches the floor.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds and repeat on the other side.
    stretch exercise

6. ‘Cat’ Attitude

Another exercise that stretches the back and can relieve intense stiffness is to prop yourself up on a mat with your palms, knees, and toes.

  • You perform this movement with your back.
  • First you curve it down, towards the floor, and then up.
  • Also lower your head and lift it up to perform the full stretch.

Back Stretch

7. ‘Mountain’ stretch

  • Put yourself in the same position as in the previous exercise and lift your pelvis in such a way that your body forms a triangle.
  • Your shoulders, arms and head will continue to touch the floor and so will your feet.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds, then rest by returning to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. 

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