7 PH-regulating Detoxification Cures With Water

To disguise the taste of baking soda, you can add some lemon juice, which will help restore your body’s natural pH level and provide you with extra vitamins.
7 pH-regulating detoxification cures with water

In this article we are going to talk about pH-regulating detoxification treatments. As you know, maintaining a proper acid-base balance in your blood is  one of the best ways to keep your body healthy.

Any small fluctuation in these values ​​can cause a change in the body. For example, if the pH of your blood falls below 7.35, doctors will tell you that the balance is disturbed and your body is too acidic. 

This can cause your nervous system to become overly sensitive, which increases the risk of certain diseases and can even cause extreme fatigue unnoticed.

This is why we recommend that you follow a proper diet and follow the following water-based, pH-regulating detoxification regimens. We are sure you will love the following recipes.

1. pH regulating detoxification cure with water and fresh mint

It’s delicious and refreshing. Water and mint is a healthy combination that will help you enjoy the recommended two liters of water a day.

An important tip is to avoid drinking everything at once. It is much better to do it spread over the day. This will prevent your stomach from becoming too full, which will make it easier to digest.

Let’s take a closer look at what water and mint can do for your body:

  • Mint helps promote healthy digestion.
  • Regular consumption of water with mint will help your body better absorb the nutrients from food.
  • It helps regulate your pH in a natural and simple way.
  • Water with mint relieves bloating and flatulence.

2. Regulating detoxification cure with water and honey

Water and Honey

If you drink a cup of water with a tablespoon of honey (25 g) dissolved in it, you will benefit from this throughout the day. You will notice improvement in how you feel after just a few weeks:

  • The mix of water and honey reduces sweet cravings.  A good option if you are trying to lose weight.
  • It helps reduce the pain caused by arthritis. As you know , honey is an excellent natural antibiotic that removes toxins and strengthens your immune system.
  • If you drink this drink regularly, you will see that you will suffer less from inflammation.
  • Water and honey give you energy while helping to balance your body’s pH level.

3. pH regulating detoxification cure with warm water and lemon

A simple glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon, without sugar and without adding anything else…do you know how healthy this can be for you if you drink it every day on an empty stomach?
  • It’s great for regulating your pH level.
  • It improves digestion and allows you to absorb nutrients better.
  • It promotes the elimination of excess moisture.
  • It strengthens your immune system.
  • It fights bad breath.
  • It provides you with energy and extra vitamins.

4. pH-regulating detoxification cure with water and apple cider vinegar

While some people may really dislike the taste, the benefits of drinking water mixed with apple cider vinegar really outweigh the taste. Ready to find out what this simple combination can do for you?
  • Thanks to the essential amino acids , water with apple cider vinegar improves digestion. This can be especially helpful once you reach the age where the acids your body produces are no longer as powerful, meaning it’s a little harder to digest food.
  • You will be surprised what drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water after dinner will do for your digestive system.
  • In addition , it will regulate the pH level of your body and improve your overall health.

5. pH-Regulating Detoxification Treatment with Water and Baking Soda

Water, Baking Soda and Lemon

You can do a lot for your health by simply drinking a cup of water (200 ml) mixed with 2 grams of baking soda and some lemon juice three times a week.
  • It’s one of the best ways to regulate your body’s pH level.
  • Although not scientifically supported, it is thought that water with baking soda can inhibit the development of certain types of tumors. Whether this is true or not, there’s no denying that baking soda has tons of benefits and is absolutely harmless if you consume it regularly.
  • It supports the kidneys in filtering your blood.
  • It improves digestion.

6. pH regulating detoxification cure with water and cinnamon

Try drinking a cup of water mixed with three grams of ground cinnamon. It’s a great strategy for lowering your blood sugar. 

You can drink a cup of cinnamon tea with some honey in the morning. It’s delicious! Another idea is to put a cinnamon stick in a bottle of water to flavor the water.

7. pH-Regulating Detox with Water and Cloves


You can find whole cloves at any grocery or health food store. Cloves are not only a very useful herb for your spice cabinet, they are also great for your health. 
The many benefits that cloves provide may surprise you:
  • Balances blood sugar levels.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Fights bacteria.
  • Increases libido.
  • Has a mild stimulant effect.
  • Fights spasms and cramps.

To take advantage of the many benefits of cloves, simply add five whole cloves to a bottle of water.

As you can see, there are all kinds of ways that you can make drinking water more fun and healthier while regulating your body ‘s pH level .

So…which one do you choose? All of them? Why not! Just choose the way that best suits your body’s needs and your personal taste. Start today.

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