6 Ways To Prevent Edema

Do you suffer from swelling in your limbs? And do you experience a feeling of heaviness or pain? If so, read on quickly.
6 ways to prevent edema

By following the recommendations in this article every day, you can prevent edema from turning into something worse.

Did you know that you can prevent edema with natural means?

Fluid retention, a condition known as edema, occurs when fluid builds up in your body tissues and causes inflammation.

It is not a disease in itself. But if you suffer from it, it could be a sign that something else is wrong with your body.

If you suffer from it more often, it is generally due to one of three things. It can be caused by:

  • hormonal changes
  • problems with your circulation
  • a blockage in the lymphatic system

The inflammations caused by edema are generally mild. However, they can be associated with pain, stiffness, and other  symptoms  that interfere with your daily activities.

The good news is that, in addition to existing treatments for balancing the moisture levels in your body, there are also a number of healthy habits that will prevent edema if you practice them regularly.

In this article, we are happy to share the best 6 ways to do it. This way you can make them part of your daily life.

6 ways to prevent edema

1. Drink plenty of water and other healthy drinks

Drinking enough water ensures a good fluid balance

Drinking plenty of water and other healthy drinks every day is one of the easiest natural ways to prevent and treat fluid retention.

Contrary to popular belief, drinking water will not increase the amount of fluid your body retains. On the contrary. By drinking enough you stimulate the excretion of fluid through the kidneys.

The diuretic and cleansing effect of water supports the removal of waste from the body. In addition, it also regulates the accumulation of fluid in your body.


  • Remember to drink between six and eight glasses of water a day.
  • Do you have trouble drinking enough water? Then opt for other drinks, such as tea or natural fruit juices.

2. Get enough sleep

Some people think that sleep has nothing to do with fluid retention. But it really is. Getting enough sleep prevents fluid build-up and the problems associated with it.

After all, while you sleep, the blood circulation in your body improves. At the same time, your lymphatic system is busy removing waste during your sleep.


  • Try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every day, without exception .
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or do you sleep restlessly? Then try to find out why.
  • Take tea or other natural remedies to sleep better from now on.

3. Limit your salt intake

Too much salt disrupts your fluid balance

Salt is one of the most commonly used seasonings in everyday cooking. But taking too much salt is one of the main causes of fluid retention.

High sodium levels in your body upset the balance of electrolytes in your body. This makes it more difficult for you to get rid of excess fluid.


  • Try to avoid adding too much salt to your recipes.
  • When you go shopping, pay close attention to the amount of salt in the products you buy.
  • Limit your intake of products with a high salt content such as prepackaged meat, sausages, etc.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fresh, raw foods like fruits and vegetables are packed with goodness. For example, they contain antioxidants, fiber, water, and many other nutrients that prevent inflammation.

Get into the habit of eating this type of food at least three times a day. This guarantees that your kidneys continue to function properly and you stimulate the secretion of fluid.


  • First, eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables rich in water.
  • Make more salads, smoothies and juices from now on.

5. Start exercising

By exercising enough you prevent edema

Exercising is one of the best ways to get rid of fluid that has accumulated in your body.
The movements you make stimulate your blood circulation.

In addition, sport supports the body processes responsible for the removal of fluid and waste from your body.

It also helps protect your kidneys. This is because sport stimulates the production of urine and helps to keep the urinary tract clean.


  • Get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day.
  • If you are not used to this, make sure you start gradually.

6. Stimulate your blood circulation yourself

Everyone will experience circulatory problems at some point. By not exercising enough, following a poor diet or due to illness, your blood flow can be reduced.

Do you often suffer from accumulation? And does this keep coming back? Then try to stimulate your blood circulation yourself. Alternative treatments can help ease the pain.


  • First massage your body with essential oils.
  • Then alternate between hot and cold showers.
  • Then apply a heat compress.
  • Also, be sure to put your legs up high as soon as you get home from work.
  • Also try to swim regularly.

So, do you still regularly suffer from swelling in your limbs? And are they accompanied by a heavy and painful feeling? If this happens regularly, follow our recommendations. Try to apply them every day to prevent your edema from developing into something worse.

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