6 Kinds Of Nuts That Give You Energy

Consuming nuts every day helps improve your immune response to viruses and common infections. In addition, it helps to strengthen your immune system to prevent various diseases. Discover different types of nuts to give you energy in this article.
6 types of nuts that give you energy

Nutritionists and other experts generally all recognize the healthful properties and nutritional contribution of the various types of nuts. These foods provide long-lasting energy, take up little space and are high in calories in combination with fiber that slows down the absorption and prolongs the energetic effect.

A healthy diet should actually include nuts to improve nutrient delivery. In this article, we’ll tell you all about the different types of nuts that can give you energy.

What are nuts?

Various types of nuts in bowls

Nuts are very interesting energy sources. They should be consumed in portions that suit your daily nutritional needs. All types of nuts also contain essential fatty acids, such as oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids, which the human body cannot produce and must be obtained through the daily diet.

These healthy fats have energetic and anti-inflammatory powers, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

In fact, daily consumption of nuts helps improve your immune response to viruses and common infections. Thus, they help strengthen the immune system to prevent various diseases, especially seasonal ones caused by sudden weather changes.

Different types of nuts that give you energy

1. Almonds

The almond is a very nutritious Mediterranean nut for athletes because of its energy contribution in the form of carbohydrates and healthy fats, along with vegetable proteins. So they are very nutritious.

  • A handful of about 30 grams provides 162 calories, along with insoluble fiber, vitamin E and B vitamins involved in energy metabolism.
  • Almonds are also rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and iron.
  • For this reason, almond milk obtained by grinding sweet almonds used to be a substitute for breast milk. Today, almond milk is widely used by people with lactose intolerance and vegans.

2. Hazelnuts


Hazelnuts are distinguished by their delicious taste and folic acid content, which is why experts recommend their consumption especially during pregnancy. Folic acid can help prevent birth defects of the fetal neural tube during pregnancy. Supplementation with this nutrient is essential before and during pregnancy.

  • So does increasing the intake of foods that contain significant amounts of it, according to an article published in the journal Annales D’Endocrinolige .
  • In addition to providing plenty of energy, its unsaturated fats and vitamin E content stand out, which is why they help prevent and reduce tissue inflammation during workouts.
  • They also contain iron, magnesium, manganese and fiber. For all these reasons, they are very helpful in recovery.

3. Peanuts

Peanuts aren’t actually nuts, but most people count them as one. They come from a legume plant and are mainly rich in folic acid, proteins and isoflavones.

In addition, their nutrient supply also consists of omega 6 fatty acids and fiber. They can therefore have a positive influence on cholesterol levels and are considered healthy for the heart.

You can consume them as is or in the form of peanut butter. By taking 30g of peanut butter on bread you get about 10g of protein. Peanut butter is also high in calories and also contains calcium and iron. Therefore, experts recommend consuming it with breakfast.

4. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts stand out because they contain a significant amount of minerals, mainly selenium. In addition, they are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that positively helps reduce the negative effects of free radicals.

They are very energy-rich and nutritious, which is ideal for athletes. In addition, they contain a significant amount of healthy fatty acids. A handful of Brazil nuts provides a good amount of fiber and protein.

5. Walnuts


In addition to providing energy, one of their main benefits is that they help protect the heart. It is the nuts that contain the most omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have shown the heart-protective effect of consuming walnuts daily.

  • Although they are high-calorie foods, most of the fat they contain is polyunsaturated, which can help improve cardiovascular health.
  • They also contain vitamins, protein and fiber and may be beneficial for weight loss sufferers thanks to their antioxidant and satiating properties.
  • Walnuts also contain soluble fiber, a very important nutrient to fight constipation.
  • Finally, eating walnuts can help improve sleep and serotonin levels.

6. Pistachios

Of all the different types of nuts, pistachios are the richest in iron, vitamin E and potassium (1,000 g/100 g). They provide a good amount of vegetable protein, of which the content of the amino acid arginine stands out in particular, which boosts immune function.

As for vitamins and minerals, they are rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Also, the contribution of oleic acid and other healthy fats contributes to the fact that their consumption can help improve insulin sensitivity. This promotes the glucose supply to the cells.

Add different kinds of nuts to your diet

In this article, we talked to you about the main types of nuts that can give you energy. However, remember that there are many more that not only give you energy, but also help protect your cardiovascular system and regulate your cholesterol levels.

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